A place to explore & benchmark various template/script to transform data (json) in rust.
- Explore (learn) how to use templates/scripts to transform data in rust
- Help to decide which solution to integrate into cdviz-collector to transform data in the pipeline
The data transformation are driven by the cdviz-collector's use cases:
- inputs are json object (read from extractors)
- outputs are an array of json objects:
empty array, will be interpreted as drop of the eventnull
will be interpreted as a skip the transformation- an array of size 1 is a 1 to 1 transformation
- the template/script are provided at runtime (by users to customize transformations)
- integration with cdviz-collector is required
- evaluate / feeling (the results are not shared in this repo) about:
- error reporting on invalid templates/scripts
- integration with editors (linting, error, coloring, autocompletion, ...)
- language documentation
- ease of use, learning curve for new users
Scenarii to bench (for comparison or feature/how-to):
- identity transformation (no change, just wrap the value in an array)
return (skip) -
return (drop) - conditional transformation (if, switch, ...) (
) - restructure & transform the data (
)- timestamp insertion + parsing + formatting (not built-in by default in every)
Look at the transformations
folder for the various templates/scripts to transform the data.
- template: handlebars + handlebars_misc_helpers
- template: tera
- transform: vrl (vector remap language)
- script: mlua (a lua binding for rust)
- script: rhai
- script: rquickjs
- script: rune
- script: wasmi
- script: wasmtime
- template: sailfish, template are statically built at compile time
cargo bench
cargo criterion --output-format quiet
mise run bench
drop/hardcoded_serde time: [57.874 ns 58.138 ns 58.446 ns]
drop/handlebars time: [604.44 ns 607.96 ns 612.37 ns]
drop/tera time: [660.49 ns 664.88 ns 670.94 ns]
drop/vrl time: [615.98 ns 618.91 ns 623.79 ns]
drop/rhai time: [821.30 ns 827.65 ns 834.31 ns]
drop/lua time: [5.0192 µs 5.0619 µs 5.1183 µs]
drop/rune time: [1.0196 µs 1.0265 µs 1.0360 µs]
skip/hardcoded_serde time: [41.233 ns 41.419 ns 41.657 ns]
skip/handlebars time: [592.01 ns 596.69 ns 602.91 ns]
skip/tera time: [624.78 ns 628.02 ns 633.33 ns]
skip/vrl time: [575.05 ns 576.12 ns 577.63 ns]
skip/rhai time: [788.40 ns 794.83 ns 802.70 ns]
skip/lua time: [5.2030 µs 5.2342 µs 5.2871 µs]
skip/rune time: [951.08 ns 954.47 ns 958.78 ns]
identity/hardcoded_... time: [806.03 ns 809.88 ns 814.34 ns]
identity/handlebars time: [2.1570 µs 2.1658 µs 2.1785 µs]
identity/tera time: [1.7957 µs 1.8057 µs 1.8221 µs]
identity/vrl time: [1.3664 µs 1.3767 µs 1.3897 µs]
identity/rhai time: [1.5959 µs 1.6008 µs 1.6079 µs]
identity/lua time: [9.0768 µs 9.1616 µs 9.2636 µs]
identity/rune time: [1.4685 µs 1.4749 µs 1.4829 µs]
gh_01/hardcoded_serde time: [2.5733 µs 2.5759 µs 2.5789 µs]
gh_01/tera time: [19.728 µs 19.753 µs 19.782 µs]
gh_01/vrl time: [18.989 µs 19.069 µs 19.160 µs]
gh_01/rhai time: [31.200 µs 31.241 µs 31.284 µs]
gh_01/rune time: [29.253 µs 29.335 µs 29.442 µs]
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or PR to discuss the ideas. Instructions on how to contribute, build and run the benchmarks can be found in the CONTRIBUTING.md file.