AutoFaker is available from PyPI and should be installed using pip
pip install autofaker==1.0.19
Supported data types
Currently autofaker supports creating anonymous variables for the following data types:
Built-in types:
- int
- float
- str
- complex
- range
- bytes
- bytearray
Datetime types:
- datetime
- date
- Simple classes
- @DataClass
- Nested classes (and recursion)
- Classes containing lists of other types
- Enum classes
- Pandas dataframe
What's Changed
- Add support for using AutoFaker Decorators with pytest by @christianhelle in #3
- Fixing linting errors by @marksmayo in #4
- Add test cases for nested data classes by @christianhelle in #5
- Add Enum support by @christianhelle in #7
- Tidy-ups by @marksmayo in #9
- Add support for inherited enums by @christianhelle in #12
- Add support for future.annotations. by @jmpcm in #13
- fix: ValueError: mutable default <class 'list'> for field x is not alowed: use default_factory by @flobz in #18
- @christianhelle made their first contribution in #3
- @marksmayo made their first contribution in #4
- @jmpcm made their first contribution in #13
- @flobz made their first contribution in #18