Functions for plotting on automatically downloaded images from Google maps and Open street map. Primitive versions of here implemented in Julia.
Downloads an image from Google maps and plots an existing line/scatter-plot on top of the image. (Requires api-key)
Example of plotting the position of six capitals in Europe on top of a roadmap image from Google maps:
maptype = "roadmap"
format = "png"
tempPath = raw"PATH_TO_DIR\temp.png" # Temporary path for saving image, can be removed by rm(tempPath)
lat = [48.8708, 51.5188, 41.9260, 40.4312, 52.523, 37.982]
lon = [2.4131, -0.1300, 12.4951, -3.6788, 13.415, 23.715]
p = scatter(lon,lat,color=:blue,label="cities")
title!("Six capitals in Europe")
Downloads an image from Open Street Map (OSM) and plots an existing line/scatter-plot on top of the image.
Example of plotting the position of six capitals in Europe:
tempPath = raw"PATH_TO_DIR\temp.png" # Temporary path for saving image, can be removed by rm(tempPath)
lat = [48.8708, 51.5188, 41.9260, 40.4312, 52.523, 37.982]
lon = [2.4131, -0.1300, 12.4951, -3.6788, 13.415, 23.715]
p = scatter(lon,lat,color=:blue,label="cities")
title!("Six capitals in Europe")