metrics-agent-2.10.0 Helm
This release includes 2 new features.
Parallel node collection (enabled by default)
Includes a new feature that allows for node polling parallelism. The metrics-agent polls metrics from each node every polling interval and now this polling is done concurrently. There is a new env variable that can be set called CLOUDABILITY_NUMBER_OF_CONCURRENT_NODE_POLLERS which is the max number of concurrent pollers at a time. The current default is set to 100.
Parsing and sanitization of data from core files (disabled by default)
Adds a flag CLOUDABILITY_PARSE_METRIC_DATA that will parse and remove much non-essential data from the metrics agent. This decreases core file sizes by approximately 15%, but may differ depending on customer cluster configurations.
The performance impact of this on large clusters is currently undetermined, and enabling this flag carries risk of metrics agent slowdowns/crashes. If enabled extra headroom should be given to the agent to determine an appropriate cpu/memory footprint. This is currently flagged off by default