This repo contains the frontend code for the dissolution web service.
We recommend the use of Visual Studio Code for development as it allows the installation of the TSLint and the Nunjucks plugins. These plugins will make linting of TS and Nunjuck much better than mmost code editors.
IntelliJ does not have a Nunjuck plugin but you can configure IntelliJ to provide syntax highlighting using Twig plugin
Clone Docker CHS Development and follow the steps in the README.
Enable the
module -
Navigate to
to see the landing page
Development mode is available for this service in Docker CHS Development.
./bin/chs-dev development enable dissolution-web
export SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE='[your SSH key passhprase goes here]'
(optional, set only if SSH key is passphrase protected)DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0 docker build --build-arg SSH_PRIVATE_KEY="$(cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa)" --build-arg SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE -t .
- GDS confirmation pages are in green
- Dissolution API endpoints are in grey
- At the end of each branch, redirect back to the Redirect Controller (except for payment callback)
- Enables save & resume-like functionality
- Enables consistency between single and multi director journeys
- source code can be found here