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Number Corridor

A console program for memory training written in C++. The goal of this project is to provide a free alternative to the well-known website. Currently, it only allows you to remember numbers.


This program is distributed under the Apache 2.0 License, see details.

How to use it?

To play a game, simply launch it. Also, if you want to skip the menu, you can use command line arguments.

Screen options

NumberCorridor <command>
  • help, -help, --help Displays the help screen.

  • version, -version, --version Displays version.

  • menu, -menu, --menu Displays the menu screen.

  • debug, -debug, --debug Displays the debug screen.

Game options

NumberCorridor <command> <subcommand> [value] ...

play, -play, --play, -p, --p Runs the game.


Subcommands are used to specify the number of digits to remember, the max value and the group size. If you don't define them, you will be asked about them automatically.

  • max, -max, --max, -m, --m [value greater than 2] specifies max value (The highest value to remember will be max - 1).

    • dec, -dec, --dec sets max to 10.
    • bin, -bin, --bin sets max to 2.
  • length, -length, --length, -l, --l [value greater than 0] specifies the number of numbers to remember.

  • size, -size, --size, -s, --s [value greater than 0] specifies group size.

    • single, -single, --single sets group size to 1.
    • PA, -PA, --PA, pa, -pa, --pa sets group size to 2.
    • PAO, -PAO, --PAO, pao, -pao, --pao sets group size to 3.


Warning: For practical reasons, the executable file will be generated in the out directory. To clone and build this program you will need git and Cmake.

First, open the terminal and clone this repository:

git clone


Make sure you have installed gcc, g++, ld and make. Then run file:

cd ./NumberCorridor
chmod +x ./

Now, you can run the app using ./out/NumberCorridor.

Debian Package

To build the Debian package, make sure you meet the requirements of the step above. Then type in the terminal:

cd ./NumberCorridor
chmod +x ./

With this you have generated the NumberCorridor.deb file (in the out folder) for amd64. You can install it like a regular *.deb file.


Make sure you have installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2022. Then run build.bat file:

cd .\NumberCorridor

Now, you can run the app using .\out\NumberCorridor.exe.

Other OS:

Systems other than those mentioned above are not supported.

To do

  • Add support for macOS.