A youtube downloader make with java and python. It's an application that, as said before, allow you to download files from youtube.
After copy the repository in you local machine:
Move to the dir where is the project:
cd /path/to/jatube/src
Compile the file:
javac App.java
java App
cd /path/to/jatube/src && javac App.java && java App
Or just execute one of the binaries in the bin dir:
cd /path/to/jatube/bin && java App
- Note: The Current project was designed and only used on linux system. Feel free to modify the scripts to use and upload any update for this cases.
To use it you need the following languages installed:
- Java (JVM 17+)
- Python (3.10+)
For Python, you need to download the following packages:
- Pytube
Important: Until date (20-06-2022) Pytube has a bug with the Cypher.py script, if you have problems, could try this solution: