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Mïmis Prep

The Goal

Μïmis aims to be a distributed interface system for IPFS bootstrapped solely from IPFS itself.

Μïmis is backed by CouchDB for ease of syncing and efficiency of computation. It is not as simple an interface for massaging data as ActiveRecord.

The idea is to conglomerate sets of overlapping paths in a context forest. For example, a set of paths might include:

  • /book/by/Ursula K. LeGuinn/A Wizard of Earthsea
  • /A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. LeGuinn
  • /award/Hugo/1978/Best Novella/winner/1
  • /user/23jkl4…/favorite/books/34

Each path represents a tree. Trees are published as IPFS directories. The tree is shredded as it is intaken into branches. A branch filesystem containing only the given path is created and its IPFS id is saved.

There is a special symlink starting with ... that will be processed by finding the IPFS id for that directory branch.


There is a frontend interface with this app, but most of the work is done in rake tasks.

  • rake import:gutenberg[tmp/gutenberg]

Search the given directory for files named like GUTINDEX.\d\d\d\d. It will then attempt to parse them and import the data as Books.

It is about 99% accurate at the moment.

  • rake import:irc

Connect to #ebooks and #cinch-bots as hugobot on IRCHighway, and listen for commands.

There are really only two commands: que and deq. The first populates a queue with shares of books that don't have data. The seconds begins clearing the queue by requesting the given share and repeating after the download completes.

  • rake export:gutenlinks

For the Gutenberg data, create a forest of links of the format:

  • book/by/#{author}/#{title}.../gutenberg/1/2/3/1234/
  • book/by/#{title}(, #{author})?.../gutenberg/1/2/3/1234/

Unix filenames are limited to 256 characters, and there are book author/title pairs that are longer than that, so this has been abandoned.

  • rake export:gutenjson

Exports a timestamped directory tree into tmp/ with numbered directories each containing a json array with elements of the form:

  type: 'link',
  source: ['book', 'by', author, title],
  destination: ['gutenberg', '1', '2', '123'],
  • rake import:gutencache

Imports the epubs, covers, & metadata from Project Gutenberg's ebook cache as a IPFS hash. The structure of the directory is:

  • /index.html
  • /cover.png
  • /metadata.opf
  • /images/…

A IPFS id is returned for a filesystem with paths following these patterns:

  • ['book', 'by', author, title, ipfsId]
  • ['book', 'by', 'bibliographically', author.biblio, title, ipfsId]
  • ['book', "title #{author && ', by #{author}'}", ipfsId]
  • ['book', 'language', lang, "title #{author && ', (by|par|di) #{author}'}", ipfsId]
  • subjects.each((s) => ['subject', ...s.path, ipfsId])
  • ['project', 'Gutenberg', gutenbergId, ipfsId]

Where ipfsId are the various content directories' ids. All strings have only slashes, nulls, & percent signs percent encoded. (So they look as normal as possible, but don't contain disallowed characters.)


Rails app for building context forest for books






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