Find waste collection institutes and turn recycling part of your daily basis
Features | Technologies | Getting started | License | Acknowledgments
- Register waste collection institutions, with support to name, image, address and type of items colleted.
- Search for waste collection sites by city.
This project was developed with the following technologies:
- JavaScript
- Node.js + Express, Nodemon and SQLite3
- HTML + Nunjucks
- VS Code
- ScreenToGif, used for recording demonstration GIFs.
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Node.js installed on your computer. Then, from your command line:
# clone this repository
$ git clone
# go to the created directory
$ cd ecoleta/
# install all required dependencies automatically
$ npm install
# start local server
$ npm start
Now you can visit http://localhost:3000
to view this project running!
This project if under MIT License. Check LICENSE for more information.
This application was developed during the Next Level Week #1, an online event hosted by Rocketseat, designed to help devs hone their abilities by building a nice project and interacting with the community. Especial thanks to Rocketseat for creating such a rich learning environment!
Made by Diego Aquino 😎. Connect with me! 👋