Application to schedule and manage beauty services, where service providers can register, and users can make appointments with these providers.
This project was developed at the RocketSeat GoStack Bootcamp with the following technologies:
- NodeJS
- ReactJS
- React Native
- ExpressJS
- Yup
- Styled-Components
- date-fns
- MongoDB
- Postgres
- Docker {...}
$ git clone
$ cd GoBarberTypescript
$ cd api
# Creating the Database Docker Image:
# Inside the project, there is already a docker-compose.yml file that has the
# PostgreSQL as a database, just have Docker installed on your machine.
$ docker-compose up -d # It will start in the background and will not lock the shell
# Running migrations to the database and starting the project
$ yarn && yarn typeorm migration:run && yarn dev:server
$ cd frontend
$ yarn && yarn start
$ cd mobile
$ yarn && yarn android && yarn start
Made with ♥ by Diego Candido 👋 Get in touch!