A tiny module written in TypeScript to help you with your filenames. A JavaScript version of the Apache FilenameUtils class.
To install the module, use your preferred package manager.
yarn add filename-utils
or use npm
npm install filename-utils
First you need to import the functions you need from filename-utils
import { getExtension, getBaseName } from 'filename-utils';
After that you can use the functions as you'd like!.
Fetches the extension of a filename. Will return an empty string, if no filename can be resolved. Examples:
getExtension('image.png'); // returns => "png"
getExtension('image.test.jpeg'); // returns => "jpeg"
getExtension('shellscript'); // returns => ""
getExtension('.htaccess'); // returns => ""
Strips the extension off the filename and returns the base name.
getBaseName('image.png'); // returns => "image"
getBaseName('image.test.jpeg'); // returns => "image.test"
getBaseName('file'); // returns => "file"
getBaseName('.env'); // returns => ""