Go DSU (Dependencies Secure Updater) - provides tools to update Go dependencies with more control than default Go tools.
Now go-dsu
- List vulnerabilities and license dependencies and sub dependencies
- Preview available dependencies updates with vulnerabilities and changes in license
- Update dependencies using one of available modes
Vulnerabilities checked from OSS Index which uses CWE and NVD databases.
go get github.com/dpcat237/go-dsu
Go 1.11+, Git, and Go modules as dependencies manager.
For private repositories it's required SSH key for Git.
$ go-dsu
Go DSU - provides tools to update Go dependencies with more control than default Go modules.
go-dsu [command]
Available Commands:
analyze Analyze current dependencies
help Help about any command
preview Preview updates
update Update modules
version Version
-h, --help help for go-dsu
Use "go-dsu [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Go DSU is an open source project and contributions are welcome! Check out the Issues or create a new one after reading Code of Conduct.