Examples for MSP430F5438A compiled with Code Composer Studio.
Project Name | Proejct Description |
00_BlinkLED | Blink onboard Orange LED |
01_BlinkLEDwCycle | Blink onboard Orange LED with Delay Cycle |
02_LEDOnOffwSwitch | Toggling the LED with the help of switch |
03_LEDSwitchInterrupt | Toggling the LED with the help of switch w/interrupt |
04_LEDOnOffwSwitchPolling | Toggling the LED with the help of switch w/polling |
05_LEDOnOffwISR | Toggling the LED with the help ISR |
06_LEDOnOffwISR(Register) | Toggling the LED with the help ISR |
07_LEDOnOffw2Switches | Toggling the LED with the help of two switches |
08_LEDOnOffwCounter | Turning the LED on and off with the help of two switches |
09_LEDOnOffnChangingBlinkFreqofLED | Increasing and decreasing the toggling frequency of the LED with the help of two switches and turning the LED on and off with the help of the second switch. |
10_Accelerometer | Converting the data obtained from the ADXL322 module on the microcontroller into voltage and gravity values. |