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A Quad SPI Flash Writer used to program flash. It can be used along with flash controller to program the flash then read from it.

The wrapped IP

The IP comes with an AHBL Wrapper

Wrapped IP System Integration


External IO interfaces

IO name Direction Width Description
fr_sck input 1 spi clock coming from flash reader
fr_ce_n input 1 spi slave select coming from flash reader
fr_din output 4 spi master data in going to the flash reader
fr_dout input 4 spi master data out coming from flash reader
fr_douten input 4 spi master data out enable coming from flash reader
fm_sck output 1 spi clock going to flash (slave)
fm_ce_n output 1 spi slave select going to flash (slave)
fm_din input 4 spi master data in coming from flash (slave)
fm_dout output 4 spi master data out going to flash (slave)
fm_douten output 4 spi master data out enable going to flash (slave)

Implementation example

The following table is the result for implementing the EF_QSPI_FLASH_WRITER IP with different wrappers using Sky130 HD library and OpenLane2 flow.

Module Number of cells Max. freq

The Programmer's Interface


Name Offset Reset Value Access Mode Description
WE 0000 0x00000000 w Write Enable; enables flash writer to write to flash
SS 0004 0x00000000 w Slave Select; flash SS signal value
SCK 0008 0x00000000 w Slave Clock; flash SCK signal value
OE 000c 0x00000000 w Output enable for the four flash IOs
DATAO 0010 0x00000000 w Output Data from the flash writer or controller going to flash
DATAI 0014 0x00000000 r Input Data coming from flash flash

WE Register [Offset: 0x0, mode: w]

Write Enable; enables flash writer to write to flash

SS Register [Offset: 0x4, mode: w]

Slave Select; flash SS signal value

SCK Register [Offset: 0x8, mode: w]

Slave Clock; flash SCK signal value

OE Register [Offset: 0xc, mode: w]

Output enable for the four flash IOs

DATAO Register [Offset: 0x10, mode: w]

Output Data from the flash writer or controller going to flash

DATAI Register [Offset: 0x14, mode: r]

Input Data coming from flash flash

Firmware Drivers:

Firmware drivers for EF_QSPI_FLASH_WRITER can be found in the Drivers directory in the EFIS (Efabless Firmware Interface Standard) repo. EF_QSPI_FLASH_WRITER driver documentation is available here. You can also find an example C application using the EF_QSPI_FLASH_WRITER drivers here.


You can install the IP either by cloning this repository or by using IPM.

1. Using IPM:

  • [Optional] If you do not have IPM installed, follow the installation guide here
  • After installing IPM, execute the following command ipm install EF_QSPI_FLASH_WRITER.

Note: This method is recommended as it automatically installs EF_IP_UTIL as a dependency.

2. Cloning this repo:

  • Clone EF_IP_UTIL repository, which includes the required modules from the common modules library, ef_util_lib.v. git clone
  • Clone the IP repository git clone

The Wrapped IP Interface

NOTE: This section is intended for advanced users who wish to gain more information about the interface of the wrapped IP, in case they want to create their own wrappers.


Port Direction Width Description
fr_sck input 1 spi clock coming from flash reader
fr_ce_n input 1 spi slave select coming from flash reader
fr_din output 4 spi master data in going to the flash reader
fr_dout input 4 spi master data out coming from flash reader
fr_douten input 4 spi master data out enable coming from flash reader
fm_sck output 1 spi clock going to flash (slave)
fm_ce_n output 1 spi slave select going to flash (slave)
fm_din input 4 spi master data in coming from flash (slave)
fm_dout output 4 spi master data out going to flash (slave)
fm_douten output 4 spi master data out enable going to flash (slave)