Script to calculate sizes and counts from S3 file list.
Using the aws command line tool we will gather the file listing for a specific EOT year.
In the example below we are gathering the EOT-2012 file listing.
aws s3 ls s3://eotarchive/crawl-data/EOT-2012/ --recursive > EOT-2012-S3.txt
Once we have the EOT year file listing we can generate the statistics.
python3 EOT-2012-S3.txt
This will result in an output that looks like this.
EOT Year: {'EOT-2012'}
File Sizes
warc_size: 41.42 TB
wat_size: 885.15 GB
wet_size: 217.3 GB
cdx_size: 12.27 GB
File Counts
warc_count: 78509
wat_count: 78509
wet_count: 78509
cdx_count: 78509