Releases: enriquebris/goworkerpool
v0.10.2: Minor update
- Minor update
v0.10.1: goconcurrentcounter adjustment
- Adjusted goconcurrentcounter parameters
- Added go.mod && go.sum files
v0.10.0: cpu not used while all workers are idle
Initial workers automatically start running on pool initialization
- deprecated StartWorkers()
Each new added worker is being automatically started
SafeWaitUntilNSuccesses: it waits until n tasks were successfully processed, but if any extra task is already "in progress", this function will wait until it is done. An extra enqueued task could started processing just before the nth expected task was finished.
GetTotalWorkersInProgress: returns total workers in progress.
KillAllWorkers returns error
KillAllWorkersAndWait returns error
SetTotalWorkers It won't return error because of the workers were not yet started, workers are now started once they are created.
WaitUntilInitialWorkersAreUp: it waits until all initial workers are up and running.
StartWorkers is deprecated. It only returns nil.
StartWorkersAndWait is deprecated. It returns WaitUntilInitialWorkersAreUp()
CPU not used when all workers are idle
Examples updated
v0.9.0: Worker operation notifications
- Added a way to know that new workers were started (using an optional channel)
- Added a way to know if a worker was killed (using an optional channel)
- StartWorkersAndWait() to start workers (for first time) and wait until all of them are alive
v0.8.0: Callback functions
Added the following callback functions:
- Enqueue jobs plus callback functions (AddTaskCallback)
- Enqueue callback functions without jobs' data (AddCallback)
v0.7.4: fixed bug: worker initialization error
Merge pull request #26 from enriquebris/development Development v0.7.4
v0.7.3: fixed bug: SetTotalWorkers() returns error in case it is invoked before StartWorkers()
Merge pull request #24 from enriquebris/development Development
v0.7.2: fixed bug: no new workers after Wait()
Fixed bug that prevents to start/add new workers after a Wait() function finishes.
v0.7.1: LateKillAllWorkers() fixed
- bug fixed: LateKillAllWorkers() will kill all alive workers, not only the number of workers that were alive when the function was executed.
v0.7: goworkerpool beta - stable version
Repository name modified to wokorkerpool.
Old repo =>