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pvAccess Protocol Specification

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Data Encoding

  1. Sizes
  2. User Data
  3. Meta Data

Encoding does not align primitive types on word boundaries.

For connection-oriented communication (TCP/IP), the server MUST notify the client what byte order to use. Each message contains an endianness flag in order to allow all the intermediates to forward data without requiring it to be unmarshaled (so that the intermediates can forward requests by simply copying blocks of binary data) and in order not to require a specific byte order for connection-less protocols (UDP/IP).

Deviation: Current peers ignore the header endian bit for messages received over TCP. The SET_ENDIANESS control message is used instead. Similarly w/ protocol version.


Many of the types involved in the data encoding, as well as several protocol message components, have an associated size (or "count"). Size values MUST always be a non-negative integer and encoded as follows:

  1. The unsigned 8-bit integer 255 indicates "null", no data.
  2. If the number of elements is less than 254, the size MUST be encoded as a single byte containing an unsigned 8-bit integer indicating the number of elements
  3. If the number of elements is less than 2^31-1, then the size MUST be encoded as an unsigned 8-bit integer with value 254, followed by a positive signed 32-bit integer indicating the number of elements
  4. Values greater than or equal to 2^31-1 are currently not implemented. If they were, their size MUST be encoded as an unsigned 8-bit integer with value 254, followed by a positive signed 32-bit integer with value 2^31-1, followed by a positive signed 64-bit integer indicating the number of elements. This implies a maximum size of 2^63-1.

User Data

Basic Types

The basic types MUST be encoded as shown in the Table 1. Signed integer types (byte, short, int, long) MUST be represented as two’s complement numbers. Floating point types (float, double) MUST use the IEEE-754 standard formats bib:ieee754wiki.

Type Encoding
boolean A single byte with value non-zero value for true, zero for false.
byte Signed 8-bit integer.
ubyte Unsigned 8-bit integer.
short Signed 16-bit integer.
ushort Unsigned 16-bit integer.
int Signed 32-bit integer.
uint Unsigned 32-bit integer.
long Signed 64-bit integer.
ulong Unsigned 64-bit integer.
float 32-bit float (IEEE-754 single-precision float).
double 64-bit float (IEEE-754 double-precision float).

Encoding for basic types.

Note on boolean encoding: a receiver MUST NOT assume that a boolean value of true is represented by any special non-zero number, nor that the same sender consistently uses the same number.


Variable-size Arrays

Variable-size arrays MUST be encoded as a size representing the number of elements in the array, followed by the elements encoded as specified for their type (as specified in these sections).

Bounded-size Arrays

Bounded-size arrays MUST be encoded as a size representing the number of elements in the array, followed by the elements encoded as specified for their type (as specified in these sections). The size MUST be less then or equal to the array's declared bound.

Fixed-size Arrays

Fixed-size arrays MUST be encoded as elements encoded as specified for their type (as specified in these sections). The number of elements encoded MUST equal to the array's fixed size.


Strings are encoded as arrays of bytes. The actual content (the bytes in the array) MUST be a valid UTF-8 encoded string.

Particularly, this means that strings MUST be encoded as a size, followed by the string contents in a UTF-8 format as bytes. Size gives the number of bytes that follow it and not the number of UTF-8 characters. UTF-8 multi-byte characters MUST NOT be broken. An empty string MUST be encoded with a size of zero.

Implementations that internally use a zero byte or a zero character to indicate end-of-string SHOULD NOT include a terminating zero byte in the pvAccess string encoding. 'null' strings are not supported.

Bounded Strings

Same as strings, just that size MUST be less than or equal to the string's bound.


Structures MUST be encoded by appending the data of all comprising fields in the order in which the fields have been defined. A structure can contain a structure and an union (see below) for its field.

Variable-size Structure Arrays

An array of structures is encoded as a size representing the number of elements in the array. For each array element, the encoding then consists of a boolean that indicates if the array element is present or null. A byte 0x00 indicates that the array element is null. A byte 0x01 indicates that the array is present, followed by the structure data, i.e. the encoding for each field of the structure.

Example array of structures, three elements, middle element null, where each structure contains two short numbers:

[ { 0x1111, 0x2222 }, null, { 0x3333, 0x4444 } ]

would be encoded as

03 01 11 11 22 22 00 01 33 33 44 44


Unions MUST be encoded as a selector value (encoded as a size), followed by the selected union member data. The selector chooses one member of a union as specified in the union introspection data, so must be a value in the range 0..N-1 where N is the number of union members. A union can contain a structure and a union for its field.

Variant Unions

Variant Unions are open ended union type, also known as any type. Variant Unions MUST be encoded as a introspection data (Field) description of the encoded value, followed by the encoded value itself.

Encoding Example

Given the following structure:

    byte[] value [1,2,3]
    byte<16> boundedSizeArray [4,5,6,7,8]
    byte[4] fixedSizeArray [9,10,11,12]
    structure timeStamp
        long secondsPastEpoch 0x1122334455667788
        int nanoSeconds 0xAABBCCDD
        int userTag 0xEEEEEEEE
    structure alarm
        int severity 0x11111111
        int status 0x22222222
        string message Allo, Allo!
    union valueUnion
        int  0x33333333
    any variantUnion
        string  String inside variant union.

The above would be serialized as illustrated below (when using big-endian byte order, valueUnion selector with value 1 is selected):

Hexdump [Serialized structure] size = 85
03 01 02 03  05 04 05 06  07 08 09 0A  0B 0C 11 22  .... .... .... ..." 
33 44 55 66  77 88 AA BB  CC DD EE EE  EE EE 11 11  3DUf w... .... .... 
11 11 22 22  22 22 0B 41  6C 6C 6F 2C  20 41 6C 6C  .."" "".A llo,  All 
6F 21 01 33  33 33 33 60  1C 53 74 72  69 6E 67 20  o!.3 333` .Str ing  
69 6E 73 69  64 65 20 76  61 72 69 61  6E 74 20 75  insi de v aria nt u 
6E 69 6F 6E  2E                                     nion .

Meta Data


BitSet is a data type that represents a finite sequence of bits.

BitSet is encoded as sequence of ulong and ubyte. Zero or more ulong, and between zero and seven trailing ubytes. Bits are serialized in groups of eight in ascending order (LSB to MSB). Serialization SHOULD be optimized to avoid sending trailing zeros.

TODO: needs LE encoding examples.

Examples of BitSet serialization:

Hexdump [{}] size = 1
00                                                 .

Hexdump [{0}] size = 2
01 01                                              ..

Hexdump [{1}] size = 2
01 02                                              ..

Hexdump [{7}] size = 2
01 80                                              ..

Hexdump [{8}] size = 3
02 00 01                                           ...

Hexdump [{15}] size = 3
02 00 80                                           ...

Hexdump [{55}] size = 8
07 00 00 00  00 00 00 80                            .... .... 

Hexdump [{56}] size = 9
08 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  01                       .... .... .

Hexdump [{63}] size = 9
08 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  80                       .... .... .

Hexdump [{64}] size = 10
09 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 01                    .... .... ..

Hexdump [{65}] size = 10
09 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 02                    .... .... ..

Hexdump [{0, 1, 2, 4}] size = 2
01 17                                              ..

Hexdump [{0, 1, 2, 4, 8}] size = 3
02 17 01                                           ...

Hexdump [{8, 17, 24, 25, 34, 40, 42, 49, 50}] size = 8
07 00 01 02  03 04 05 06                            .... .... 

Hexdump [{8, 17, 24, 25, 34, 40, 42, 49, 50, 56, 57, 58}] size = 9
08 00 01 02  03 04 05 06  07                       .... .... .

Hexdump [{8, 17, 24, 25, 34, 40, 42, 49, 50, 56, 57, 58, 67}] size = 10
09 00 01 02  03 04 05 06  07 08                    .... .... ..

Hexdump [{8, 17, 24, 25, 34, 40, 42, 49, 50, 56, 57, 58, 67, 72, 75}] size = 11
0A 00 01 02  03 04 05 06  07 08 09                 .... .... ...

Hexdump [{8, 17, 24, 25, 34, 40, 42, 49, 50, 56, 57, 58, 67, 72, 75, 81, 83}] size = 12
0B 00 01 02  03 04 05 06  07 08 09 0A               .... .... .... 
Partial Structure Serialization

Each structure can (depending on message definition) have a BitSet instance defining what subset of that structure's fields have been serialized. This allows partial serialization of structures. That is, serializing only fields that have changed rather than the entire structure. Each node of a structure corresponds to one bit; if a bit is set then its corresponding field has been serialized, otherwise not. BitSet does not apply to array elements.

This example shows how bits of a BitSet are assigned to the fields of a structure:

bit#    field
0    structure 
1        structure timeStamp
2            long secondsPastEpoch 
3            int nanoSeconds 
4            int userTag
5        structure[] value 
            structure org.epics.ioc.test.testStructure
                double value 
                structure location
                    double x
                    double y
            structure org.epics.ioc.test.testStructure
                double value 
                structure location
                    double x
                    double y 
6        string factoryRPC
7        structure arguments
8            int size

The structure above requires a BitSet that contains 9 bits.
If the bit corresponding to a structure node is set, then all the fields of that node MUST be serialized.


pvAccess defines a structure to inform endpoints about completion status. It is nominally defined as:

struct Status {
    byte type;      // enum { OK = 0, WARNING = 1, ERROR = 2, FATAL = 3 }
    string message;
    string callTree;   // optional (provides more context data about the error), can be empty

In practice, since the majority of Status instances would be OK with no message and no callTree, a special definition of Status SHOULD be used in the common case that all three of these conditions are met; if Status is OK and no message and no callTree would be sent, then the special type value of -1 MAY be used, and in this case the string fields are omitted:

struct StatusOK {
    byte type = -1;

Examples of Status serialization:

Hexdump [Status OK] size = 1
FF                                                 .

Hexdump [WARNING, "Low memory", ""] size = 13
01 0A 4C 6F  77 20 6D 65  6D 6F 72 79  00          ..Lo w me mory .

Hexdump [ERROR, "Failed to get, due to unexpected exception", (call tree)] size = 264
02 2A 46 61  69 6C 65 64  20 74 6F 20  67 65 74 2C  .*Fa iled  to  get, 
20 64 75 65  20 74 6F 20  75 6E 65 78  70 65 63 74   due  to  unex pect 
65 64 20 65  78 63 65 70  74 69 6F 6E  DB 6A 61 76  ed e xcep tion .jav 
61 2E 6C 61  6E 67 2E 52  75 6E 74 69  6D 65 45 78 ng.R unti meEx 
63 65 70 74  69 6F 6E 0A  09 61 74 20  6F 72 67 2E  cept ion. .at  org. 
65 70 69 63  73 2E 63 61  2E 63 6C 69  65 6E 74 2E  epic .cli ent. 
65 78 61 6D  70 6C 65 2E  53 65 72 69  61 6C 69 7A  exam ple. Seri aliz 
61 74 69 6F  6E 45 78 61  6D 70 6C 65  73 2E 73 74  atio nExa mple 
61 74 75 73  45 78 61 6D  70 6C 65 73  28 53 65 72  atus Exam ples (Ser 
69 61 6C 69  7A 61 74 69  6F 6E 45 78  61 6D 70 6C  iali zati onEx ampl 
65 73 2E 6A  61 76 61 3A  31 31 38 29  0A 09 61 74  es.j ava: 118) 
20 6F 72 67  2E 65 70 69  63 73 2E 63  61 2E 63 6C   org .epi cs.c 
69 65 6E 74  2E 65 78 61  6D 70 6C 65  2E 53 65 72  ient .exa mple .Ser 
69 61 6C 69  7A 61 74 69  6F 6E 45 78  61 6D 70 6C  iali zati onEx ampl 
65 73 2E 6D  61 69 6E 28  53 65 72 69  61 6C 69 7A  es.m ain( Seri aliz 
61 74 69 6F  6E 45 78 61  6D 70 6C 65  73 2E 6A 61  atio nExa mple s.ja 
76 61 3A 31  32 36 29 0A                            va:1 26). 

Introspection Data

Introspection data describes the type of a user data item. It is not itself user data, but rather meta data. Introspection data appears in one of four forms: no introspection data (NULL_TYPE_CODE), a full type description (FULL_TYPE_CODE), a type identifier (ONLY_ID_TYPE_CODE), both (FULL_WITH_ID_TYPE_CODE), according to the table "Encoding of Introspection Data".

The sender MUST send introspection data, but is free to chose one of the above methods. Sending FULL_WITH_ID_TYPE_CODE defines the type identifier for subsequent sends using ONLY_ID_TYPE_CODE. Therefore, before sending ONLY_ID_TYPE_CODE, the sender MUST have previously sent at least one FULL_WITH_ID_TYPE_CODE with the same type identifier to the same receiver.

Since user data types can be arbitrarily complex, introspection data SHOULD be sent only once per type and receiver combination. The mapping of dynamically assigned type identifier (ID) to introspection data MUST be cached on the receiver side, and SHOULD be cached and re-used on the sender side. ID MUST be encoded as short and MUST be valid only within one connection. Moreover, IDs MUST be assigned only by the sender. The receiver MUST keep track of the IDs and use them to identify deserializations. Since communication is full-duplex this implies there MUST be two introspection registries per connection. The sender MAY override a previously assigned ID by simply assigning the ID to a new introspection data instance. The introspection registry size MUST be negotiated when each connection is established.

Encoding of Introspection Data (called Field for future reference).
Field Encoding Name Description
0xFF NULL_TYPE_CODE No introspection data (also implies no data).
0xFE + ID ONLY_ID_TYPE_CODE Serialization contains only an ID (that was assigned by one of the previous FULL_WITH_ID_TYPE_CODE or FULL_TAGGED_ID_TYPE_CODE descriptions).
0xFD + ID + FieldDesc FULL_WITH_ID_TYPE_CODE Serialization contains an ID (that can be used later, if cached) and full interface description. Any existing definition with the same ID is overriden.
0xFC + ID + tag + FieldDesc FULL_TAGGED_ID_TYPE_CODE Serialization contains an ID (that can be used later, if cached), tag (of integer type) and full interface description. Any existing definition with the same ID is overriden. A tag must guarantee that the same (ID, FieldDesc) pair has the same tag and any previous definition with the same ID and different FieldDesc has a different tag. This identifies whether the definition with given ID overrides already existing one and allow receivers to skip deserialization of FieldDesc, if tags match. SHOULD be used in non-reliable transport systems only.
0xFB - 0xE0 RESERVED Reserved for future usage, MUST NOT be used.
(0xDF - 0x00)
FULL_TYPE_CODE Serialization contains only full interface description.

Each instance of a Field introspection description (FieldDesc) MUST be encoded as a byte. The upper 3 bits (Most Significant Bits, MSBs) are used for the type selector, e.g. 'integer'. The middle 2 bits distinguish between arrays and scalars. The remaining 3 lower bits are type dependent and used for size encoding, e.g. to select a 'short' or 'long' integer.

Type Encoding.
Bit Value Description
7-5 111 reserved (MUST never be used)
110, 101 reserved (MUST not be used)
100 complex
011 string
010 floating-point
001 integer
000 boolean
4-3 11 fixed-size array flag
10 bounded-size array flag
01 variable-size array flag
00 scalar flag
2-0 type (bits 7-5) depended
Integer Type Size Encoding (type = '0b001').
Bit Value Type Name
2 1 unsigned flag
0 signed flag
1-0 11 long
10 int
01 short
00 byte
Floating-Point Size Encoding (type = '0b010').
Bit Value Type Name IEEE 754-2008 Name
2-0 111, 110, 101 reserved
100 reserved binary128 (Quadruple)
011 double binary64 (Double)
010 float binary32 (Single)
001 reserved binary16 (Half)
000 reserved
Complex Type Encoding (type = '0b100').
Bit Value Type Name
2-0 111, 110, 101, 100 reserved
011 bounded string
010 variant union
001 union
000 structure

For all other types, bits 2-0 MUST be '0b000'.

Structure, union, and bounded string (and all their arrays) REQUIRE more description. A structure REQUIRES its identification string and a named array of Fields - size followed by one or more (field name, FieldDesc) pairs. Arrays of structures/unions REQUIRE an introspection data of a structure/union defining an array element type.

FieldDesc Encoding.
FieldDesc Encoding Description
0bxxx00xxx Scalar
0bxxx01xxx Variable-size array of scalars
0bxxx10xxx + bound (encoded as size) Bounded-size array of scalars
0bxxx11xxx + fixed size (encoded as size) Fixed-size array of scalars
0b10000000 + identification string + (field name, FieldDesc)[] Structure
0b10001000 + structure FieldDesc Array of structures.
0b10000001 + identification string + (field name, FieldDesc)[] Union
0b10001001 + union FieldDesc Array of unions
0b10000010 Variant union
0b10001010 Array of variant unions
0b10000110 + bound (encoded as size) Bounded string
Example #1

Given the following structure, as may be expressed by a pvData Structure:

    long secondsPastEpoch
    int nanoSeconds
    int userTag

The introspection description of the above structure is be encoded by pvAccess as the following:

Hexdump [Serialized structure IF] size = 57
FD 00 01 80  0B 74 69 6D  65 53 74 61  6D 70 5F 74  .... .tim eSta mp_t 
03 10 73 65  63 6F 6E 64  73 50 61 73  74 45 70 6F cond sPas tEpo 
63 68 23 0B  6E 61 6E 6F  53 65 63 6F  6E 64 73 22  ch#. nano Seco nds" 
07 75 73 65  72 54 61 67  22                        .use rTag "
Example #2

Given the following structure, as may be expressed by a pvData Structure:

    byte[] value
    byte<16> boundedSizeArray
    byte[4] fixedSizeArray
    time_t timeStamp
        long secondsPastEpoch
        int nanoseconds
        int userTag
    alarm_t alarm
        int severity
        int status
        string message
    union valueUnion
        string stringValue
        int intValue
        double doubleValue
    any variantUnion

The introspection description of the above structure would be encoded by pvAccess as the following:

Hexdump [Serialized structure IF] size = 243
FD 00 01 80  10 65 78 61  6D 70 6C 65  53 74 72 75  .... .exa mple Stru 
63 74 75 72  65 07 05 76  61 6C 75 65  28 10 62 6F  ctur e..v alue (.bo 
75 6E 64 65  64 53 69 7A  65 41 72 72  61 79 30 10  unde dSiz eArr ay0. 
0E 66 69 78  65 64 53 69  7A 65 41 72  72 61 79 38  .fix edSi zeAr ray8 
04 09 74 69  6D 65 53 74  61 6D 70 FD  00 02 80 06  ..ti meSt amp. .... 
74 69 6D 65  5F 74 03 10  73 65 63 6F  6E 64 73 50  time _t.. seco ndsP 
61 73 74 45  70 6F 63 68  23 0B 6E 61  6E 6F 73 65  astE poch nose 
63 6F 6E 64  73 22 07 75  73 65 72 54  61 67 22 05  cond s".u serT ag". 
61 6C 61 72  6D FD 00 03  80 07 61 6C  61 72 6D 5F  alar m... arm_ 
74 03 08 73  65 76 65 72  69 74 79 22  06 73 74 61  t..s ever ity" .sta 
74 75 73 22  07 6D 65 73  73 61 67 65  60 0A 76 61  tus" .mes sage `.va 
6C 75 65 55  6E 69 6F 6E  FD 00 04 81  00 03 0B 73  lueU nion .... ...s 
74 72 69 6E  67 56 61 6C  75 65 60 08  69 6E 74 56  trin gVal ue`. intV 
61 6C 75 65  22 0B 64 6F  75 62 6C 65  56 61 6C 75  alue ".do uble Valu 
65 43 0C 76  61 72 69 61  6E 74 55 6E  69 6F 6E FD  eC.v aria ntUn ion. 
00 05 82                                            ...