This project is an e-appointment system developed for a sample hospital.
By logging into the system, users can make an appointment for the department and doctor they want on the appropriate day and time.
In addition, operations such as appointment status management, past appointment tracking, and user management can be performed through the system.
You can try the live version of the project at the following address:
You can access the system with the sample user information below and experience the system with different roles.
Super Admin
- Username:
- Password:
- Username:
- Username:
- Password:
- Username:
- Username:
- Password:
- Username:
- Username:
- Password:
- Username:
There are 4 user types available in this application. These are:
- Super Admin
- Admin
- Doctor
- Patient
You can see the transaction table of user types in the system at below.
Super Admin | Admin | Doctor | Patient | |
Log in to the system | x | x | x | x |
Log out of the system | x | x | x | x |
View their profile | x | x | x | x |
Update their profile | x | x | x | |
Change the system’s theme color | x | x | x | x |
Change the system’s language | x | x | x | x |
View weekly appointments by department and doctor | x | |||
Book appointments by department and doctor | x | |||
Cancel a booked appointment | x | |||
List their appointments | x | x | ||
Filter appointments | x | x | ||
Search in the appointment list | x | x | ||
Export the appointment list in different formats | x | x | ||
Update the status of appointments | x | x | ||
List users with the admin role | x | |||
Edit users with the admin role | x | |||
Delete users with the admin role | x | |||
List users with the doctor role | x | x | ||
Edit users with the doctor role | x | x | ||
Delete users with the doctor role | x | x | ||
List users with the patient role | x | x | ||
Edit users with the patient role | x | x | ||
Delete users with the patient role | x | x | ||
Filter listed users | x | x | ||
Search in the user list | x | x | ||
Export the user list in different formats | x | x | ||
View the system’s audit logs | x | |||
View the system’s statistical graphs | x |
- Layered Architecture in Backend with ASP.NET Core 8 WEB API
- Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) Pattern With MediatR
- Generic Repository and Unit of Work Pattern
- MS SQL Server Database
- Using Entity Framework Core 8 ORM
- Database Migrations with Code First Approach
- Advanced Role and Permission Based Authentication and Authorization with JWT
- JSON Based Multi-Language Support in Frontend with Ngx-Translate
- JSON Based Multi-Language Support in Backend
- Database Based Multi-Language Support for Some Project Components (Menu Items, Departments)
- Object to Object Mapping in Frontend with Dynamic Mapper
- Object to Object Mapping in Backend with Auto Mapper
- Using Records as DTOs in data transfer in Backend
- Using PrimeNG as UI Library in Frontend
- Component Based Architecture in Frontend
- Some Custom Components like Advanced Table, Simple Table
- Logging Database Transactions with Audit Log
- Error Management with Global Error Handler in Frontend
- Error Management with Error Handler Middleware in Backend
- Request and Response Encryption Decryption with Encryption Decryption Middleware
- Logging API Operations with Serilog and Visualization with Seq
- Server Side Pagination, Searching and Filtering with PrimeNG Tables
- Multi-Format (PDF, XML, JSON, XLSX, CSV) Data Export for Tables
- Server Side Validation with Fluent Validation
- Client Side Validation with Fluent Validation TS
- Using Interceptors for Authorization, Encryption-Decryption and Spinner in Frontend
- Using Environments in Frontend for Deployment
- Using Environments in Backend with DotNetEnv for Deployment
- Docker and Docker Compose Support
- Using Eslint in Frontend for Code Consistency
- Response Compression in Backend
Fake Data Generation with Bogus- Using Indexes in Some Database Table Columns for Query Performance
- Health Check in Backend
- Response Caching with Redis in Backend
- Rate Limiting in Backend
- API Versioning in Backend
- State Management with NgRx in Frontend
- Theme Settings for Users in Frontend
- Using Nginx for Http Server
- Using SignalR for Real Time Data Communication
- Using Hangfire and Quartz Jobs for Timed E-Mail Sending
- Logging Frontend Errors with Serilog
- Unit Tests in Backend
- Using Charts in Frontend for Statistics
- Multi-Format Data Import in Frontend
- Viewing Appointments in PDF format with Ngx-Extented-Viewer
Notifications with Rabbit MQ in Backend
There are lots of important folders and files in this layer. These are:
- node_modules
- src
- app
- components
- advanced-table
- edit-table
- page-header
- simple-table
- enums
- guards
- handlers
- interceptors
- mapping
- models
- pages
- pipes
- services
- template
- validators
- app.component.html
- app.component.ts
- app.config.ts
- app.routes.ts
- components
- assets
- environments
- index.html
- main.ts
- styles.css
- app
- .eslintrc.json
- .prettierrc.json
- angular.json
- package.json
The list of all packages and tools used in the frontend is provided below, along with their version.
General Technologies
- Angular 17
- PrimeNG
- TypeScript
Npm Packages
- angular/animations: 17.3.0,
- angular/common: 17.3.0,
- angular/compiler: 17.3.0,
- angular/core: 17.3.0",
- angular/forms: 17.3.0,
- angular/platform-browser: 17.3.0,
- angular/platform-browser-dynamic: 17.3.0,
- angular/router: 17.3.0,
- auth0/angular-jwt: 5.2.0,
- dynamic-mapper/angular: 1.1.1,
- dynamic-mapper/mapper: 1.10.4,
- fullcalendar/angular: 6.1.14,
- fullcalendar/core: 6.1.14",
- fullcalendar/daygrid: 6.1.14,
- fullcalendar/interaction: 6.1.14,
- fullcalendar/timegrid: 6.1.14,
- ng-icons/bootstrap-icons: 26.0.0,
- ng-icons/core: 26.0.0,
- ngrx/store: 17.2.0,
- ngx-translate/core: 15.0.0,
- ngx-translate/http-loader: 8.0.0,
- chart.js: 4.4.4,
- check-guid: 1.0.2,
- class-enum: 0.1.1,
- crypto-js: 4.2.0,
- devextreme: 23.2.6,
- devextreme-angular: 23.2.6,
- devextreme-schematics: 1.6.8,
- flag-icons: 7.2.3,
- fluentvalidation-ts: 3.2.0,
- form-validate-angular: 17.0.1,
- jspdf: 2.5.1,
- jspdf-autotable: 3.8.3,
- jwt-decode: 4.0.0,
- ngx-spinner: 17.0.0,
- primeflex: 3.3.1,
- primeicons: 7.0.0,
- primeng: 17.17.0,
- rxjs: 7.8.0,
- tslib: 2.3.0,
- xlsx: 0.18.5,
- zone.js: 0.14.3
The MIT License (MIT)