Got pwnd? haxcan
(hack scan) scans all the WordPress files for a potentional malware in just one click. No bloated and useless settings, just activate and scan!
While there are a few WordPress scanners already available, configuring them can be time consuming and can lead to false reports. This is where Haxcan thrives:
- Ease of usage: install plugin > activate > click Scan
- Ability to scan themes,plugins or both
- Desktop antivirus user experience
- Scans for all risky functions: assert|file_get_contents|curl_exec|popen|proc_open|unserialize|eval|base64_encode|base64_decode|create_function|exec|shell_exec|system|passthru|ob_get_contents|file|curl_init|readfile|fopen|fsockopen|pfsockopen|fclose|fread|file_put_contents
And is incredibly fast!
Download plugin
Upload to wp-content/plugins/
, go to Appearance->Plugins
and click Activate
In Dashboard menu click Haxcan
and start scanning :)