!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REMINDER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ------------ TO RUN OUR PROJECT, YOU HAVE TO INSTALL. ------------ 1. XAMPP ------------ 2. COMPOSER ------------ 3. NODE.JS ------------ 4. LARAVEL ------------ ON YOUR SYSTEM. ------------ TO INSTALL THE ABOVE LISTED REQUIREMENTS OPEN 'Laravel.pdf' FILE PAGE 8.
------- Step 1. Extract 'Food-order.zip' file.
------- Step 2. Open 'xampp-control.exe' in 'C:\xampp' and start both 'Apache' and 'Mysql'.
------- Step 3. Click on Admin and the database server will open on a browser.
------- Step 4. From the navigation bar click on 'Databases' and create a database called 'food_order'.
------- Step 5. Open Command Prompt and change directory to our project folder using the 'cd' command.
------- Step 6. Write 'php artisan migrate' and press 'Enter' on the keyboard.
------- Step 7. Open another Command Prompt and change directory to our project folder using the 'cd' command.
------- Step 8. Write 'npm run dev' and press 'Enter' on the keyboard.
------- Step 9. Open another Command Prompt again, and change directory to our project folder using the 'cd' command.
------- Step 10. Write 'php artisan serve' and press 'Enter' on the keyboard.
------- Step 11. Open the URL on a browser. Then, 'Quick Food.com' will open.
------- Step 12. You have to create two accounts. One is the admin, you MUST give it the name: "Group5" and the other is the customer which you can name any thing.
* As customer you can => see available food to order, and
=> see the food that was ordered by other customers.
* As an admin you can => add food,
=> remove food,
=> see available food,
=> see the food that was ordered by customers, and
=> remove the ordered food