Project Name: Have a Good Time https://hackmit-ec262.web.app
Project Group: Never404
Participents: Jinghong Luo, Weishen Liu
Project Used: Javascript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Firebase
Project Goal/Usage: This project is a simple version of video chat. There is video and chatting compenent for users to communicate with each other, and play a video with barrage can be posted by the users. Because this is a web version, it is capable for different platforms that can open the website with browers. One unique point for this project is all users will be from .edu, which as a student because it requires a .edu email in order to register for an account. There are no time limit for each room, therefore, students can spend as much time as they want to study together.
How to Use the Project: 1. We need to open the website and sign up with your .edu email 2. Open the link in the email that send from the website and login 3. Choose the mode for either joinning the room or creating a new room 4. Invite your friends or study group to the room with the room id (generate by the website) and password (create your own) 5. Input a valid youtube video (not a video from a playlist) and change video whenever you want 5. Have a good time
Cites: 1. Firebase: https://firebase.google.com/ 2. Bootstrap: https://getbootstrap.com/ 3. https://www.w3schools.com/ 4. StackOverFlow
Side Notes: If you forgot your password, please contact wliu@ucdavis.edu for a password reset email, since we think a good student should never forget his/her password.