From Strings to Objects Validomix validates all
The Validomix library is designed to enforce validation rules on strings, triggered by various events, and to produce custom messages. It applies a series of validation rules, such as size and format checks, to input strings through a rule enforcement system.
- Validation of strings, numbers, or lists.
- Produce custom messages for errors and successes.
- Rules can be serialized as JSON.
- Invalid configurations are captured in metrics.
- Inventory of the rules is available.
- Fully extendable.
A few examples:
Create an inventory used to keep track of rules:
final optionsInventory = VxOptionsInventory()
Create a string rule:
final rule = VxStringRules.charsLessThan<String>(name: 'test',
metricStoreHolder: metricStoreHolder, optionsInventory: optionsInventory,
failureProducer: SimpleMessageProducer('Too many characters'));