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Lint extra-deps

Maintaining extra-deps in a stack.yaml (or packages in a snapshot.yaml) is a pain. If an extra dep has been moved into your resolver, you should remove it. If your extra dep has a new version on Hackage, you may want to update it. If you have a git dependency, you may want to know if that change is now available in a versioned release on Hackage.

All of these are manual, annoying, and error prone to check by hand.


Get the Download URL for the latest release,

url=$(curl --silent |
  jq '.assets[].browser_download_url | select(.|test("x86_64-linux.tar.gz$"))' --raw-output)

(You can also just browse Releases.)

% curl -L "$url" | tar xzf - &&
  mv stack-lint-extra-deps/stack-lint-extra-deps ~/.local/bin &&
  rmdir stack-lint-extra-deps
% which stack-lint-extra-deps


% stack lint-extra-deps --help
Usage: stack-lint-extra-deps [-p|--path PATH] [-r|--resolver RESOLVER]
                             [-f|--format tty|gha|json] [--exclude PATTERN]
                             [-R|--no-check-resolver] [--checks CHECKS]
                             [-n|--no-exit] [-F|--fix] [PATTERN] [--version]

  stack lint-extra-deps (sled)

Available options:
  -p,--path PATH           Path to config to lint
  -r,--resolver RESOLVER   Resolver to use, default is read from --path
  -f,--format tty|gha|json Format to output in
  --exclude PATTERN        Exclude deps matching PATTERN
  -R,--no-check-resolver   Don't check for out of date resolver
  --checks CHECKS          Checks to run, one of: none, all, git, hackage
  -n,--no-exit             Exit successfully, even if suggestions found
  -F,--fix                 Automatically fix problems
  PATTERN                  Limit to deps matching PATTERN
  --version                Print version number information and quit
  -h,--help                Show this help text

Our output uses Blammo and so any of the LOG_ environment variables it supports may be used to control it, such as LOG_COLOR.


Comments prefixed by @sled (e.g. "pragmas") can be added to the linted file and will be parsed as command-line options to change the program's behavior when linting that file. This is most useful for centralizing and documenting --exclude directives:

resolver: lts-20
  - one-dep-1.0

  # We need to hold this back because...
  # @sled --exclude another-dep
  - another-dep-2.0

These comments can appear anywhere. All options besides --path will be respected. Failure to parse a directive will result in a warning logged to stderr, but otherwise be ignored.

Checking Resolver

Before checking extra-deps, SLED will check that your resolver is the latest in its series. If not, it will emit a "replace with" suggestion and use the new resolver when checking the extra-deps.

This behavior is not part of the --checks option, which refers to extra-deps checks only. It can be disabled with --no-check-resolver, or you can run only this check by using --checks none.

GitHub Action

This repository is also a GitHub Action that installs and runs the tool with no arguments (so with all defaults according to above). The version and arguments can be adjusted through inputs:

  - uses: actions/checkout@v4
  - uses: freckle/stack-lint-extra-deps@v1
      arguments: >-
        --path stack-x.yaml
        --exclude 'amazonka-*'
        --checks hackage

Action Version

Version branches (e.g. @v1) are unrelated to the tool's version itself (and corresponding tags). They are maintained based on changes made only to the action itself.


Since v1.2 (of the executable, not the action), --format gha is available and will result in output that produces annotations in your workflow summary.

In the future, this may become part of the default arguments, but for now you are expected to add it yourself if desired.


  • Suggest update when there is a newer version of a Hackage dep available
  • Suggest removal when a Hackage dep is in the resolver at a same-or-newer version
  • Suggest update when there are newer commits in a git dep
  • Suggest replacement when there is a Hackage version of a git dep at a same-or-newer version
  • Apply custom rules
  • Suggest when newer resolver is available
  • Auto-fix