High fidelity prototype of XD - League of Legend streaming service platform
- Clone from XD_proto repository due to the git-lfs error. https://github.com/gfhd0054/XD_proto
Undergraduate students in KAIST,
- Jaejun Lee (gfhd0054@kaist.ac.kr)
- Sanguk Kim (new93788@kaist.ac.kr)
- Yourim Shin (phrinee@kaist.ac.kr)
- Junyoung Choi (joonchoi518@kaist.ac.kr)
link : https://gfhd0054.github.io/XD_hifi_proto/
- Simple css file removing body margin
homepage.html, toolbar.css, homepage.js
- Uppermost toolbar UI.
- Adjusted to other pages consistently
- Containing home button for entire site.
index.html, main.css, main.js
- Main homepage UI and interactions
- changed main.html in previous git to index.html
- Pop-up UI and interactions while creating private room. - Task 1.
- Pop-up (creating private room) design.
streaming.html, streaming.js
- window for public broadcasting match, their UI elements and interactions.
- Video player element is here, by importing streamingvideo.html.
- Public chatting room is implemented, utilizing firebase.
privateroom.html, privateroom.js
- Derived from streaming.html, streaming.js.
- Having different chatting context, host name, and room name for each room.
- Support 'invite friend' feature
- css file for designing elements in streaming.html and privateroom.html, since two html files are sharing similar experience of 'watching online streaming video'.
replay.html, replay.css, replay.js
- Showing match replays.
- replayvideo.html is imported for its video player.
streamingvideo.html, streamingvideo.css, streamingvideo.js
- UI element for video player that support streaming environment.
replayvideo.html, replayvideo.css, replayvideo.js
- code snippets for testing
- jQuery Easing v1.3 - http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/
- Create A Custom HTML5 Video Player - https://youtu.be/yY6XnbWnK4o