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Implementation of ERC 223 token

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This is the implemented source code and documentation for the ERC 223 token.

Token setting

The implementation is such that the specification of token name, symbol, total supply amount, and number of decimal places can be changed by variables in migrations/2_deploy_erc223_token.js file.

const fs = require('fs');
const ERC223Token = artifacts.require('ERC223Token');

const name = 'GToken'; // Specify the name of your token
const symbol = 'GT'; // Specify the symbol of your token
const decimals = 18; // Number of decimal places
const totalSupply = 1000000000; // Total supply of tokens (integer representation)

module.exports = (deployer) => {
    deployer.deploy(ERC223Token, name, symbol, decimals, totalSupply).then(() => {
        // Save ABI to file
        fs.mkdirSync('deploy/abi/', { recursive: true });
        fs.writeFileSync('deploy/abi/ERC223Token.json', JSON.stringify(ERC223Token.abi), { flag: 'w' });

Token name

const name = 'GToken'; // Specify the name of your token

Unit of token

const symbol = 'GT'; // Specify the symbol of your token

Number of digits after the decimal point

const decimals = 18; // Number of decimal places

Total supply amount (integer expression)

const totalSupply = 1000000000; // Total supply of tokens (integer representation)


For basic specifications, implement the functions and specifications discussed in the following URL.

Dexaran / ERC223-token-standard at Recommended

As an exception, the following functions have not been implemented because they have determined that they may cause unintended operation.

  function transfer(address to, uint value, bytes data, string custom_fallback) public returns (bool ok);

As an additional specification, it is implemented to check the return value when executing tokenFallback() , which is discussed in the following URL. This addresses the loss of tokens due to the fallback function being executed.

ethereum/EIPs#223 (comment)

Test Cases

Check the operation with a test script using Truffle Suite .

Paste the test execution results below.

$ truffle test
Using network 'test'.

Compiling your contracts...
> Compiling ./test/ImplementedERC223Fallback.sol
> Compiling ./test/NotImplementedERC223Fallback.sol
> Compiling ./test/NotImplementedERC223FallbackButHasFallback.sol
> Artifacts written to /var/folders/9y/6q4417_x24b107s0jc7g5gmw0000gp/T/test-119215-62107-oljwve.nornb
> Compiled successfully using:
   - solc: 0.5.0+commit.1d4f565a.Emscripten.clang

  Contract: [TEST] ERC223Token Transfer to EOA
       [LOG] Owner      : 1,000,000,000.000000000000000000
       [LOG] User1      : 0.000000000000000000
       [LOG] User2      : 0.000000000000000000
    ✓ Initial state is the owner address token holding number: 1,000,000,000.000000000000000000 (80ms)
       [LOG] Owner      : 999,999,900.000000000000000000
       [LOG] User1      : 100.000000000000000000
       [LOG] User2      : 0.000000000000000000
    ✓ Transfer to Owner->User1 100.000000000000000000 (133ms)
       [LOG] Owner      : 999,999,700.000000000000000000
       [LOG] User1      : 100.000000000000000000
       [LOG] User2      : 200.000000000000000000
    ✓ Transfer to Owner->User2 200.000000000000000000 (125ms)
       [LOG] Owner      : 999,999,700.000000000000000000
       [LOG] User1      : 100.000000000000000000
       [LOG] User2      : 200.000000000000000000
    ✓ Transfer to User1->User2 200.000000000000000000 (123ms)

  Contract: [TEST] ERC223Token Transfer to contract
       [LOG] implemented: 0.000000000000000000
       [LOG] ImplementedERC223Fallback : 0x8f0483125FCb9aaAEFA9209D8E9d7b9C8B9Fb90F
       [LOG] implemented: 100.000000000000000000
    ✓ Allow token transfer to implemented contract (160ms)
       [LOG] notImplemented: 0.000000000000000000
       [LOG] NotImplementedERC223Fallback : 0x2C2B9C9a4a25e24B174f26114e8926a9f2128FE4
       [LOG] Returned error: VM Exception while processing transaction: revert
       [LOG] notImplemented: 0.000000000000000000
    ✓ Not allow token transfer to no implemented contract (163ms)
       [LOG] hasFallback: 0.000000000000000000
       [LOG] NotImplementedERC223FallbackButHasFallback : 0xFB88dE099e13c3ED21F80a7a1E49f8CAEcF10df6
       [LOG] Returned error: VM Exception while processing transaction: revert
       [LOG] hasFallback: 0.000000000000000000
    ✓ Not allow transfer to has fallback contract (144ms)

  7 passing (1s)


Implementation will be released on GitHub.
