Install php dependencies
composer install
Create database
php artisan migrate
Re-create the databse removing all datas
php artisan migrate:fresh
The frontend ressources are served from node.
- The loader file for styles ressources is located in "scss/styles.scss"
- The loader for javascript ressources is located in "js/scripts.js"
- The node modules are loaded from the vendor folders "ressources/plugin/js/vendor/" and "ressources/plugin/scss/vendor/"
All other folders and files located in "ressources/plugin" are used to customize bootstrap or create custom html blocks.
The compilation of resources works with webpack and node manages the tasks. (don't use gulp or grunt)
Install frontend dependencies
npm install
Run watch task (watch for changes on javascript and scss files and compile on the fly)
npm run watch
Compile ressources for development
npm run dev
Compile and minify ressources for production
npm run prod
- Brute force
- Cross site scripting
- Password hash
- Encrypted API key
- IP for check access
- Email company validation
- Send email validation
- Settings protected by password after inactivity