attempts to generate a conventional commit message from any changed files found in the working tree.
One or more pathspec
arguments can be passed to optionally consider only the changes relative to those paths, as in git status [<pathspec>...]
npm install -g git-auto-commit-msg
By default, a simple summary of changed files is generated from the index.
$ for x in $(seq 1 3); do touch file-$x; done
$ git add -A
$ git-auto-commit-msg
add file-1, file-2 and 1 more
As stated above, paths can be restricted by one or more pathspec
arguments, even if other files are also present in the index.
$ for x in $(seq 1 5); do touch file-$x; done
$ git add -A
$ git-auto-commit-msg file-[12345]
add file-1, file-2 and 1 more
Notice that the message only mentions three files, even though five were added to the index.
The docs:
prefix is added if the changes are entirely limited to documentation paths.
$ git-auto-commit-msg docs examples example
docs: update
See the file.
See the LICENSE file.