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Releases: hallamlab/TreeSAPP


01 Jun 12:49
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  • Centroid inference for pOTUs based on the midpoint, or balance point, of all cluster members.
  • A table summarizing the intra-cluster evolutionary distances ('phylotu_cluster_stats.tsv').
  • Automatically removes trailing semicolons from accession2lin and seq2lineage tables.


  • Estimation of local-alignment distances for a taxonomic rank - now only considers sequences from monophyletic taxa.
  • --min_seq_length always overrides the minimum profile HMM proportion threshold in treesapp update.
  • Fixed previously unhandled exceptions if reference package training failed during treesapp create


  • The minimum sequence length of 30 (AA) has been removed be default, but can still be used as before with --min_seq_length.
    Results likely will not change as more stringent filtering thresholds were already applied in downstream steps.
  • --pc was removed from treesapp create's argument list


14 Dec 11:52
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  • Option to use pairwise local-alignment clustering (with MMSeqs2) in treesapp phylotu


  • Bad error statement when estimating alpha in treesapp phylotu
  • Can append unannotated features to "Unknown" label if already present in taxa_map.
  • Problem updating a reference package with sequences from UniProt (>sp|... header).


  • Checkpointing is improved in treesapp assign.
    It is able to pick up outputs at any stage and decide what needs to be ran for each reference package.
    Reference package targets can be modified between reruns.


12 Jun 12:40
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  • Option '--unknown_colour' for treesapp colour where a colour for "Unknown" features or taxa are included in the iTOL files.
  • New options for pre-clustering the classified sequences using either Barberra et al.'s placement-space method or
    pairwise alignment to speed up pOTU inference. Controlled with the "-p/--pre_mode" argument
  • Dynamic evolutionary distance threshold for query sequences based on branch lengths descendent from placement position
  • RecA, RadA and RpoB reference packages being distributed as part of the core set
  • The new '--query_coverage' command-line parameter is available in treesapp assign and drastically improves precision
    and recall in conjunction with '--hmm_coverage'. Both are set to 80% by default.
  • '--delete' flag added to treesapp phylotu to optionally remove all intermediate files and directories.
    Useful for de novo methods when multiple phylogenies are inferred.
  • Silent mode in treesapp assign can be activated by the '--silent' flag.
    No logging to console but log file is still populated.


  • treesapp package edit assigns a leaf node only to the most resolved feature annotation
  • Estimating treesapp phylotu's alpha threshold is improved
  • Setting distal and pendant lengths during aelw summary allows placements to be correctly filtered
  • Final rank of a query sequence's assigned taxonomic lineage is not adjusted with aELW placement summary
  • Detecting input sequence type for treesapp evaluate


  • Non-taxonomic features are coloured in alphabetical order (according to the palette used) in treesapp colour
  • iTOL colour-strip files dataset labels are now the feature name
  • Users are warned if multiple feature annotations are assigned to a leaf node during treesapp package edit
  • treesapp phylotu's de novo pOTU workflow adds the most related reference sequences when inferring each phylogeny
    to handle truncated query sequences


27 Apr 14:52
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TreeSAPP version 0.11.0 changes how users store and interact with reference package feature annotations.
These feature annotations are clade-specific labels that indicate some extra-taxonomic features that are characteristic of sequences in the reference package.

For example, in the particulate methane monooxygenase and ammonia monooxygenase subunit A reference package, XmoA,
the feature annotations indicate which paralog is represented by a clade (PmoA, AmoA, EmoA, etc.)
As another example, the methyl coenzyme M reductase subunit A (McrA) reference package contains feature annotations for
each pathway of methanogenesis that is used by the different clades.

We recommend updating to this version, and updating reference packages you have created.


  • A new attribute called 'feature_annotations' has been introduced to reference packages.
    It can store what was previously saved to iTOL-compatible annotation files by treesapp colour.
  • treesapp package edit accepts a taxonomy-phenotype mapping file to populate the feature_annotations attribute.
    See Wiki for details.
  • treesapp update with automatically propagate feature annotations from the original reference package by mapping
    the reference sequences through their unique descriptions (organism name and accession).
  • treesapp package view tree will print a Newick tree with each leaf node's accession and description.
  • treesapp abundance creates a simple_bar.txt file for each sample analyzed.
  • Ability to automatically detect the sequence type based on the input provided.
  • PQuery classification data is stored in each reference package in the 'training_df' attribute as a pandas.DataFrame.
  • Improved query sequence filtering by phylogenetic placement information in treesapp update
  • Now able to update a reference package's 'lineage_ids' attribute with treesapp package edit
  • treesapp create is able to accept multiple fasta files through --fastx_input and concatenate them into the one
    file used to build the reference package.


  • Segmentation fault from Prodigal is no longer possible as treesapp assign verifies input presence earlier.
  • treesapp purity bug where the reference package path was not correctly passed to treesapp assign if in the same directory
  • Calculation of tree coverage in treesapp purity


  • Renamed the classification table made by treesapp assign (and used by subcommands like layer) 'classifications.tsv'.
  • The reference package attribute 'refpkg_code' is automatically set and
    does not need to be changed as it is guaranteed to be unique.
  • The reference package disband path has been changed to just the reference package code.
  • treesapp colour accesses and uses the 'feature_annotations' to write iTOL-compatible annotation files
    (i.e. colour_strip.txt and colours_styles.txt). It no longer accepts taxonomy-phenotype tables.
  • treesapp layer uses the 'feature_annotations' attribute in reference packages to annotate classified sequences.
  • The versioned sequence accessions (or first split for unformatted sequence headers) are used in the
    ReferencePackage lineage_ids attribute. This ensures unique sequence IDs and helps with iterative updates.


25 Mar 17:02
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  • Checkpoint determination in treesapp abundance
  • '--report append' and 'report update' was not working properly in treesapp abundance.
    Fixed by deduplicating PQueries prior to appending.


  • Checks whether all FASTQ file paths exist earlier in treesapp abundance


23 Mar 12:54
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  • Replaced duplicate SAM file paths for unique ones when multiple fastqs are provided to treesapp abundance
  • Prevent treesapp abundance from overwriting treesapp assign outputs when '--overwrite' is used


08 Mar 15:34
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  • New flag '--deduplicate' for treesapp create to remove redundant sequences within 99.9% similarity before querying Entrez.
  • New option for treesapp assign called '--hmm_coverage' that allows users to control minimum percentage of a
    profile HMM that a query sequence's alignment must cover


  • Mapping some EggNOG identifiers with seqs2lineage mapping process


  • Reference package training is now optional with treesapp update. A fasta file is no longer required.


15 Feb 16:12
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  • Control of relative abundance metric for treesapp abundance to use with treesapp assign


  • Using all predicted ORFs when calculating abundance values for proper TPM values
  • Fixed TypeError when treesapp abundance is used with single-end or interleaved FASTQ files


  • Using miniconda for installing dependencies in GitHub Action 'tests'


09 Feb 16:04
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  • (#33) Checkpointing to all major (i.e. time-consuming) subcommands: abundance, assign, create, purity, train
  • Added stages argument to treesapp abundance to control checkpoint
  • Able to control the maximum number of examples used and SVC kernel for training through treesapp create
  • (#66) Documentation for treesapp evaluate
  • A new de novo clustering mode for treesapp phylotu will infer a new tree of just query sequences
  • A new treesapp phylotu output mapping classified sequences to their cluster
  • Able to append results from treesapp abundance to classification table for multiple read datasets


  • (#71) Ability to rerun and append results from treesapp evaluate has been restored
  • File paths with square brackets and parentheses no longer trip up HMMER or RAxML-NG in various modules.
    Some single-quotes were needed.
  • Properly truncate sequences in treesapp evaluate with '--length' argument
  • Can add bipartition support to JPlace trees for visualization. Bipartitions were not formatted properly.
  • File paths of reference package trees with support values


  • treesapp evaluate uses a tqdm progress bar instead of printing updates to stdout when classifying
  • Removed the prodigal header tags when ORFs are predicted by TreeSAPP. Could lead to significant RAM reduction.
  • Flag to activate relative abundance calculation in treesapp assign changed from '--rpkm' to '--rel_abund'


15 Jan 08:55
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  • More unit tests for file parsers and functions for treesapp assign
  • More rigorous integrative test for with higher coverage.


  • A KeyError in treesapp update caused when ORFs on the same sequence classified to the same refpkg.
    Their dictionary keys were overwritten in simulate_entrez_records().
  • Mapping sequence names to lineages provided in a seqs2lineage file.
    ORF names containing parentheses were not being escaped, messing up regular expression matching.
  • (#64) Able to overwrite reference packages in the same directory
  • was not calculating TP, TN and FP correctly.


  • Only max_lwr mode in treesapp assign will use the linear model for taxonomic rank recommendation
  • Warning in treesapp update if all query sequences are shorter than the minimum sequence length threshold
  • Log files don't contain the sequence names removed from FASTA objects at various steps,
    potentially significantly reducing the size of these files.
  • summarizes the number of queries with missing taxonomic lineages in a single warning.
  • Log writes to stderr while treesapp package view writes reference package data to sys.stdout.