What is a Bookmarklet?
A bookmarklet is a bookmark stored in a web browser that contains JavaScript commands that add new features to the browser. They are stored as the URL of a bookmark in a web browser or as a hyperlink on a web page. Bookmarklets are usually small snippets of JavaScript executed when user clicks on them - Wikipedia
Procedure to Save a Bookmarklet
1. Copy the code snippet and Goto the Bookmark section of your browser
2. Create a bookmark with this code as the URL (you should have known how to do it :)
3. Give whatever the name you want & Save it
4. Booom Done, That's All folks π¦Ύ
5. Click and check the functionality of the code, It should work 100%
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This works with any browser with Javascript support, Like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Brave etc...
javascript: const input = prompt("Enter minutes: ");url="https://www.google.com/search?q=set+timer+for+%22+%20input%20+%22+minutes%22;window.open(url,%20%27_blank%27).focus();
Thank Google for Timer component & Thank me for making the process easier
Procedure π
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Sometimes these Personalisations goes out of hand and shows unwanted Highlights in the webpages,That might be annoying for some guys like me, This Feature turns off the PWS feature in a single click
Procedure π
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You know? Google has a colour picking tool which can be used to get colour codes in many formats by eyedropping, Access this feature in a single click
Thank Google for Color Picking Feature & Thank me for making the process easier
Procedure π
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This is a great feature made by Google, we can use scientific / general calculator on web without getting into any sites, Access this feature in a single click
Thank Google for Calculator Component & Thank me for making the process easier
Procedure π
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This is also a great feature made by Google, we can convert Currencies, Weight, Length in other units on web without getting into any sites, Access this feature in a single click
Thank Google for Unit Convertor Component & Thank me for making the process easier
Procedure π
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A hidden feature used by Search Engine to highlight & direct the users to a specific part of the Page which is related to their query, While using this feature, You should be at the webpage & the text to be anchored should be copied before clicking it
This will be useful when you need to hyperlink an exact part of the website to your friend, After clicking the bookmarklet, you can copy & share the new link to friend, It will highlight the text in the page which was provided by you
javascript:const input = prompt("Enter the text to be anchored (maximum 10 words): ");(function(){window.location=document.URL+'#:~:text='+input})()
Procedure π
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Some websites may block you from Right Click & using Context Menu aka Right click menu, But we can enable it again by using this simple Bookmarklet
javascript:(function(){var d=document;d.onmousedown=null;d.onmouseup=null;d.oncontextmenu=null})()
Procedure π
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If you are eager to see how the Moon looked when you were born, Check this out. You can use both of them, Second one has moon images of any date
Credits: Lunaf & MoonPhase
javascript:const input = prompt("Enter date(YYYY/MM/DD only works): ");(function(){window.location='https://lunaf.com/lunar-calendar/'+input})()
javascript:const input = prompt("Enter date(eg: 3March1978) without spaces: ");(function(){window.location='https://phasesmoon.com/moonday'+input+'.html'})()
Procedure π
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Web Surfing can sometime be frustating if we want to click & navigate through many Tabs, Here are some handy shortcuts to directly get what we want
javascript:const input = prompt("Enter the Query : ");window.location='https://www.google.com/search?q='+input+'&tbm=isch'
javascript:const input = prompt("Enter the Query : ");window.location='https://www.google.com/search?q='+input+'&tbm=isch&tbs=il:cl'
javascript:const input = prompt("Enter the Query : ");window.location='https://www.google.com/search?q='+input+'tbm=isch&tbs=ic:trans'
javascript:const input = prompt("Enter the Query : ");window.location='https://www.google.com/search?q='+input+'tbm=vid'
Procedure π
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Code Snippet for Direct Getting results tailored for a Dev, like Code snippets, Tutorials, Articles etc.. :
javascript: const input = prompt("Enter Query: ");url="https://you.com/search?q=%22+input;window.open(url,%20%27_blank%27).focus();
Procedure π
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Procedure π
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12. HTML Preview by Githubβ‘
Note: You have to upload HTML files to github and currently at the page where HTML file is located.
Procedure π
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javascript:;(function() {var images = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('img'));try {images.forEach(function(img){downloadImage(img)})} catch (e) {alert('Download failed.');console.log('Download failed.', e)}function downloadImage(img) {var link = document.createElement('a');link.setAttribute('href', img.src);link.setAttribute('download', '');link.click()}}).call(window);
Procedure π
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Procedure π
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javascript:const input = prompt("Enter Query : "); const type = prompt("Extension type"); window.location='https://www.google.com/search?q=%27+input+%27%20ext%3A%27+type
Procedure π
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javascript:const input = prompt("Search in IconFinder : ");(function(){window.location='https://www.iconfinder.com/search?q=%27+input+%27&price=free%27})()
Procedure π
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