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Official Ruby SDK for the Dropbox Sign API


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Dropbox::Sign - the Ruby gem for the Dropbox Sign API

Dropbox Sign v3 API

Migrating from legacy SDK

This SDK is generated from our officially maintained OpenAPI spec. We've made important updates that introduce new functionality and create feature parity between the Dropbox Sign API and the SDK. However, some of these changes are considered "breaking" in the sense that they'll require you to update your existing code in order to continue using the SDK. Please refer to this migration guide for more information.


This repo is no longer accepting new issues or Pull Requests. All issues or Pull Requests must be opened against the hellosign/hellosign-openapi repo!

Changes to the SDK code

You must make SDK code changes in the mustache file within the templates directory that corresponds to the file you want updated.

This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 3.0.0
  • Package version: 1.8.0
  • Generator version: 7.8.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen


Install gem

gem install dropbox-sign

Build a gem

To build the Ruby code into a gem:

gem build dropbox-sign.gemspec

Then install the gem locally:

gem install ./dropbox-sign-1.8.0.gem

(for development, run gem install --dev ./dropbox-sign-1.8.0.gem to install the development dependencies)

Finally add this to the Gemfile:

gem 'dropbox-sign', '~> 1.8.0'

Install from Git

If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:

gem 'dropbox-sign', :git => ''

Include the Ruby code directly

Include the Ruby code directly using -I as follows:

ruby -Ilib script.rb

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:

require "dropbox-sign"

Dropbox::Sign.configure do |config|
  # Configure HTTP basic authorization: api_key
  config.username = "YOUR_API_KEY"

  # or, configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: oauth2
  # config.access_token = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"

account_api =

data =
data.email_address = ""

  result = account_api.account_create(data)
  p result
rescue Dropbox::Sign::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling Dropbox Sign API: #{e}"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
Dropbox::Sign::AccountApi account_create POST /account/create Create Account
Dropbox::Sign::AccountApi account_get GET /account Get Account
Dropbox::Sign::AccountApi account_update PUT /account Update Account
Dropbox::Sign::AccountApi account_verify POST /account/verify Verify Account
Dropbox::Sign::ApiAppApi api_app_create POST /api_app Create API App
Dropbox::Sign::ApiAppApi api_app_delete DELETE /api_app/{client_id} Delete API App
Dropbox::Sign::ApiAppApi api_app_get GET /api_app/{client_id} Get API App
Dropbox::Sign::ApiAppApi api_app_list GET /api_app/list List API Apps
Dropbox::Sign::ApiAppApi api_app_update PUT /api_app/{client_id} Update API App
Dropbox::Sign::BulkSendJobApi bulk_send_job_get GET /bulk_send_job/{bulk_send_job_id} Get Bulk Send Job
Dropbox::Sign::BulkSendJobApi bulk_send_job_list GET /bulk_send_job/list List Bulk Send Jobs
Dropbox::Sign::EmbeddedApi embedded_edit_url POST /embedded/edit_url/{template_id} Get Embedded Template Edit URL
Dropbox::Sign::EmbeddedApi embedded_sign_url GET /embedded/sign_url/{signature_id} Get Embedded Sign URL
Dropbox::Sign::FaxApi fax_delete DELETE /fax/{fax_id} Delete Fax
Dropbox::Sign::FaxApi fax_files GET /fax/files/{fax_id} List Fax Files
Dropbox::Sign::FaxApi fax_get GET /fax/{fax_id} Get Fax
Dropbox::Sign::FaxApi fax_list GET /fax/list Lists Faxes
Dropbox::Sign::FaxApi fax_send POST /fax/send Send Fax
Dropbox::Sign::FaxLineApi fax_line_add_user PUT /fax_line/add_user Add Fax Line User
Dropbox::Sign::FaxLineApi fax_line_area_code_get GET /fax_line/area_codes Get Available Fax Line Area Codes
Dropbox::Sign::FaxLineApi fax_line_create POST /fax_line/create Purchase Fax Line
Dropbox::Sign::FaxLineApi fax_line_delete DELETE /fax_line Delete Fax Line
Dropbox::Sign::FaxLineApi fax_line_get GET /fax_line Get Fax Line
Dropbox::Sign::FaxLineApi fax_line_list GET /fax_line/list List Fax Lines
Dropbox::Sign::FaxLineApi fax_line_remove_user PUT /fax_line/remove_user Remove Fax Line Access
Dropbox::Sign::OAuthApi oauth_token_generate POST /oauth/token OAuth Token Generate
Dropbox::Sign::OAuthApi oauth_token_refresh POST /oauth/token?refresh OAuth Token Refresh
Dropbox::Sign::ReportApi report_create POST /report/create Create Report
Dropbox::Sign::SignatureRequestApi signature_request_bulk_create_embedded_with_template POST /signature_request/bulk_create_embedded_with_template Embedded Bulk Send with Template
Dropbox::Sign::SignatureRequestApi signature_request_bulk_send_with_template POST /signature_request/bulk_send_with_template Bulk Send with Template
Dropbox::Sign::SignatureRequestApi signature_request_cancel POST /signature_request/cancel/{signature_request_id} Cancel Incomplete Signature Request
Dropbox::Sign::SignatureRequestApi signature_request_create_embedded POST /signature_request/create_embedded Create Embedded Signature Request
Dropbox::Sign::SignatureRequestApi signature_request_create_embedded_with_template POST /signature_request/create_embedded_with_template Create Embedded Signature Request with Template
Dropbox::Sign::SignatureRequestApi signature_request_files GET /signature_request/files/{signature_request_id} Download Files
Dropbox::Sign::SignatureRequestApi signature_request_files_as_data_uri GET /signature_request/files_as_data_uri/{signature_request_id} Download Files as Data Uri
Dropbox::Sign::SignatureRequestApi signature_request_files_as_file_url GET /signature_request/files_as_file_url/{signature_request_id} Download Files as File Url
Dropbox::Sign::SignatureRequestApi signature_request_get GET /signature_request/{signature_request_id} Get Signature Request
Dropbox::Sign::SignatureRequestApi signature_request_list GET /signature_request/list List Signature Requests
Dropbox::Sign::SignatureRequestApi signature_request_release_hold POST /signature_request/release_hold/{signature_request_id} Release On-Hold Signature Request
Dropbox::Sign::SignatureRequestApi signature_request_remind POST /signature_request/remind/{signature_request_id} Send Request Reminder
Dropbox::Sign::SignatureRequestApi signature_request_remove POST /signature_request/remove/{signature_request_id} Remove Signature Request Access
Dropbox::Sign::SignatureRequestApi signature_request_send POST /signature_request/send Send Signature Request
Dropbox::Sign::SignatureRequestApi signature_request_send_with_template POST /signature_request/send_with_template Send with Template
Dropbox::Sign::SignatureRequestApi signature_request_update POST /signature_request/update/{signature_request_id} Update Signature Request
Dropbox::Sign::TeamApi team_add_member PUT /team/add_member Add User to Team
Dropbox::Sign::TeamApi team_create POST /team/create Create Team
Dropbox::Sign::TeamApi team_delete DELETE /team/destroy Delete Team
Dropbox::Sign::TeamApi team_get GET /team Get Team
Dropbox::Sign::TeamApi team_info GET /team/info Get Team Info
Dropbox::Sign::TeamApi team_invites GET /team/invites List Team Invites
Dropbox::Sign::TeamApi team_members GET /team/members/{team_id} List Team Members
Dropbox::Sign::TeamApi team_remove_member POST /team/remove_member Remove User from Team
Dropbox::Sign::TeamApi team_sub_teams GET /team/sub_teams/{team_id} List Sub Teams
Dropbox::Sign::TeamApi team_update PUT /team Update Team
Dropbox::Sign::TemplateApi template_add_user POST /template/add_user/{template_id} Add User to Template
Dropbox::Sign::TemplateApi template_create POST /template/create Create Template
Dropbox::Sign::TemplateApi template_create_embedded_draft POST /template/create_embedded_draft Create Embedded Template Draft
Dropbox::Sign::TemplateApi template_delete POST /template/delete/{template_id} Delete Template
Dropbox::Sign::TemplateApi template_files GET /template/files/{template_id} Get Template Files
Dropbox::Sign::TemplateApi template_files_as_data_uri GET /template/files_as_data_uri/{template_id} Get Template Files as Data Uri
Dropbox::Sign::TemplateApi template_files_as_file_url GET /template/files_as_file_url/{template_id} Get Template Files as File Url
Dropbox::Sign::TemplateApi template_get GET /template/{template_id} Get Template
Dropbox::Sign::TemplateApi template_list GET /template/list List Templates
Dropbox::Sign::TemplateApi template_remove_user POST /template/remove_user/{template_id} Remove User from Template
Dropbox::Sign::TemplateApi template_update_files POST /template/update_files/{template_id} Update Template Files
Dropbox::Sign::UnclaimedDraftApi unclaimed_draft_create POST /unclaimed_draft/create Create Unclaimed Draft
Dropbox::Sign::UnclaimedDraftApi unclaimed_draft_create_embedded POST /unclaimed_draft/create_embedded Create Embedded Unclaimed Draft
Dropbox::Sign::UnclaimedDraftApi unclaimed_draft_create_embedded_with_template POST /unclaimed_draft/create_embedded_with_template Create Embedded Unclaimed Draft with Template
Dropbox::Sign::UnclaimedDraftApi unclaimed_draft_edit_and_resend POST /unclaimed_draft/edit_and_resend/{signature_request_id} Edit and Resend Unclaimed Draft

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


  • Type: Bearer authentication (JWT)