- Containerized Shell with AWS tools inside
- Hestio AWSH
- Terraform (multiple versions)
- Packer
- Infracost
- Landscape
- Developer workspace for Cloud Engineering
- Integrates with Microsoft VS Code (Local, Remote:Container, Remote:WSL, Remote:SSH)
- Compatible with any Operating System that supports Docker (Windows, Linux, MacOS)
The preferred method of installing and using BLOX is now a Docker container based version that brings you all that you need to run and use BLOX without disrupting your normal OS package setup.
This should make it easier for you to use the latest version and make it easier to rollback an update if a new version breaks something you relied on
From your command line pull and run the latest BLOX image
$ docker run -it --rm hestio/blox
Create a path to store your identities and configuration files
$ mkdir -p ${HOME}/.awsh ${HOME}/.awsh/identities ${HOME}/workspace $ touch ${HOME}/.bashrc_local ${HOME}/.awsh/identities/.netrc ${HOME}/.awsh/identities/.terraformrc
Set the PUID and PGID of current user to the container
PUID=$(id -u) PGID=$(id -g)
Run the BLOX container, passing in your AWSH identities and workspace directory
$ docker run \ -it \ --name=hestio_blox \ --rm \ --network=host \ --user ${PUID}:${PGID} \ -v ${HOME}/.awsh:/home/awsh/.awsh \ -v ${HOME}/workspace:/home/awsh/workspace \ -v /tmp:/tmp \ -v ${HOME}/.awsh/identities/.netrc:/home/awsh/.netrc \ -v ${HOME}/.awsh/identities/.terraformrc:/home/awsh/.terraformrc \ -v ${HOME}/.bashrc_local:/home/awsh/.bashrc_local \ -e "DEFAULT_TERRAFORM_VERSION=0.15.5" \ -e "HOME=/home/awsh" \ -e "PUID=${PUID}" \ -e "PGID=${PGID}" \ hestio/blox
The below steps are only required the first time you configure the container
- Configure the starship once logged into the BLOX container
starship init bash > ${HOME}/.bashrc_local
- Activate the starship by running the following command inside the BLOX container
source .bashrc_local
Use BLOX with persistent identities, workspace, proxy config and Active Directory/Kerberos credentials
Create a path to store your identities
$ mkdir -p ${HOME}/.awsh ${HOME}/.awsh/identities ${HOME}/workspace $ touch ${HOME}/.bashrc_local ${HOME}/.awsh/identities/.netrc ${HOME}/.awsh/identities/.terraformrc
Set the PUID and PGID of current user to the container
PUID=$(id -u) PGID=$(id -g)
Run the BLOX container, passing in your AWSH identities and your Kerberos setup and your proxy environment
$ docker run \ -it \ --name=hestio_blox \ --network=host \ -v ${HOME}/.awsh:/home/awsh/.awsh \ -v /etc/krb5.conf:/etc/krb5.conf \ -v /etc/krb5.conf.d/:/etc/krb5.conf.d/ \ -v ${HOME}:/workspace \ -v /tmp:/tmp \ -v ${HOME}/.awsh/identities/.netrc:/home/awsh/.netrc \ -v ${HOME}/.awsh/identities/.terraformrc:/home/awsh/.terraformrc \ -v ${HOME}/.bashrc_local:/home/awsh/.bashrc_local \ -e "http_proxy=${http_proxy}" \ -e "https_proxy=${https_proxy}" \ -e "no_proxy=${no_proxy}" \ -e "KRB5CCNAME=${KRB5CCNAME}" \ hestio/blox
The below steps are only required the first time you configure the container
- Configure the starship once logged into the BLOX container
starship init bash > ${HOME}/.bashrc_local
- Activate the starship by running the following command inside the BLOX container
source .bashrc_local
Use BLOX with persistent identities, workspace, proxy config and use a specific Terraform version by default
Create a path to store your identities
$ mkdir -p ${HOME}/.awsh ${HOME}/.awsh/identities ${HOME}/workspace $ touch ${HOME}/.bashrc_local ${HOME}/.awsh/identities/.netrc ${HOME}/.awsh/identities/.terraformrc
Set the PUID and PGID of current user to the container
PUID=$(id -u) PGID=$(id -g)
Run the BLOX container, passing in your AWSH identities and your Kerberos setup and your proxy environment
$ docker run \ -it \ --name=hestio_blox \ --network=host \ -v ${HOME}/.awsh:/home/blox/.awsh \ -v /etc/krb5.conf:/etc/krb5.conf \ -v /etc/krb5.conf.d/:/etc/krb5.conf.d/ \ -v ${HOME}:/workspace \ -v /tmp:/tmp \ -v ${HOME}/.awsh/identities/.netrc:/home/awsh/.netrc \ -v ${HOME}/.awsh/identities/.terraformrc:/home/awsh/.terraformrc \ -v ${HOME}/.bashrc_local:/home/awsh/.bashrc_local \ -e "http_proxy=${http_proxy}" \ -e "https_proxy=${https_proxy}" \ -e "no_proxy=${no_proxy}" \ -e "KRB5CCNAME=${KRB5CCNAME}" \ -e "DEFAULT_TERRAFORM_VERSION=0.15.5" \ hestio/blox
The below steps are only required the first time you configure the container
- Configure the starship once logged into the BLOX container
starship init bash > ${HOME}/.bashrc_local
- Activate the starship by running the following command inside the BLOX container
source .bashrc_local
The following wrapper script is an example of Use BLOX with persistent identities, workspace and a specific Terraform version by default
Create the wrapper script
#!/bin/bash PUID=$(id -u) PGID=$(id -g) [ -d ${HOME}/.awsh ] || mkdir -p ${HOME}/.awsh ${HOME}/.awsh/identities ${HOME}/workspace touch ${HOME}/.bashrc_local ${HOME}/.awsh/identities/.netrc ${HOME}/.awsh/identities/.terraformrc docker run \ -it \ --name=hestio_blox \ --rm \ --network=host \ --user ${PUID}:${PGID} \ -v ${HOME}/.awsh:/home/awsh/.awsh \ -v ${HOME}/workspace:/home/awsh/workspace \ -v /tmp:/tmp \ -v ${HOME}/.awsh/identities/.netrc:/home/awsh/.netrc \ -v ${HOME}/.awsh/identities/.terraformrc:/home/awsh/.terraformrc \ -v ${HOME}/.bashrc_local:/home/awsh/.bashrc_local \ -e "DEFAULT_TERRAFORM_VERSION=0.15.5" \ -e "HOME=/home/awsh" \ -e "PUID=${PUID}" \ -e "PGID=${PGID}" \ hestio/blox
Make the wrapper executable
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/blox
Start the wrapper script normally
The below steps are only required the first time you configure the container
- Configure the starship once logged into the BLOX container
starship init bash > ${HOME}/.bashrc_local
- Activate the starship by running the following command inside the BLOX container
source .bashrc_local