- when concatinating two strings, instead of using
"something " + variable
we can use
`something ${something}`
<script src=""></script>
- d3 is a JavaScript object
method select html tagsappend()
method apeends a html tag in a specific tag(selected)text()
method write text in a specific tag that is selected
JSON - JavaScript Object Notation
media type = application/json
extension = .json
Always starts and ends with curly brackets {}. name should be quoted("") in name/value
- Number
- String (with quote)
- Boolean
- Array
- Object
- null - JSON validator
AJAX - Asyncrhonous JavaScript And XML
No refresh & can request, receive, send Data to a Server. not a programming language - combination of technology within the browser XHR object + JavaScript to connect the request data and the Document Object Model(DOM)