Mochammad Dikra Prasetya 13511030 Evan Budianto 13511041 Muhammad Nassirudin 13511044 Renusa Andra Prayogo 13511063
We created a new webservice which returns all sales orders for a certain product.We were focus on reading information and not updating the database. As the information is needed to be returned in xml format, we will show how objects read from the database can be converted to it.
The webservice shall return all the sales orders for a certain product. Here is the workflow of the service:
- Receive the http request which contains the product ID as a parameter
- Read all sales orders which have this product in any of the order lines
- Convert the sales order(s) to an xml
- Return the xml to the client browser sending the request
Merge folder Module in project to folder Module in OpenBravo's project.