This mbg's plugin help to rename example class and method name of mybatis generator for production use. Comment generator makes more detailed comments to your model class.
- RenameExampleClass (XyzExample to XyzSearchCriteria)
- RenameExampleMethod
- Comment Generator
- table name
- column name
- default value
- data type
- typehandler
- alias
- build jar
mvn clean package
- copy jar
target/mybatis-generator-plugin-xxx.jar to {project_root}/lib/
- run mybatis plugin task
mvn mybatis-generator:generate
this output will overwrite files in test/java and test/resources
- check your model/mapper
- model: test/java/sample/model
- mapper: test/java/sample/dao
- mapper xml: test/resources/sample/mapper
- query with mapper
AlbumsMapper albumsMapper;
Albums album = albumsMapper.selectByPrimaryKey(1);
- query with searchCriteria
AlbumsMapper albumsMapper;
AlbumsSearchCriteria searchCriteria = new AlbumsSearchCriteria();
searchCriteria.setOrderByClause("Title ASC");
List<Albums> albumList = albumsMapper.selectBySearchCriteria(searchCriteria);