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David E. Veliev edited this page Dec 17, 2016 · 22 revisions

General information

Sorry for my english.

SubNavigator - is a server-side addon for [Vaadin 7] ( which extends the capabilities of the standard object [Navigator] ( and allows easier to organize a hierarchical multilevel structure of vaadin-application with support of browser bookmarks, navigation history, Forward/Back buttons, etc.

Standard [Navigator] ( allows you to register for a specific View special URI Fragment and when the user accesses the required URL-address Navigator call enter() method from the corresponding View. All is well until there is a need to organize a sub-View. [Navigator] ( allows you to pass in View.enter() any parameters, ie, it can be easy to arrange two-level hierarchy, /main/view1 and /main/view2 for example. For large nesting it will require additional action.

SubNavigator allows you to explicitly specify a hierarchy of objects, and when the user moves from one address (URI Fragment, to be precise) to another SubNavigator will notify the appropriate objects on the need to clean/refresh the data in that prioritization as they are in the hierarchy.


Two main interfaces in SubNavigator - is a ISubView and ISubContainer.

public interface ISubView extends Component {
	String getRelativePath();
	void clean();
	void build();
public interface ISubContainer extends ISubView {
	ISubView getSelectedView();
	void setSelectedView(ISubView view);
	void deselectView(ISubView view);

As you can see, ISubContainer is a container, and generally can contain any other ISubContainer, or ISubView. Let's look in situation where you will need to display some data at address #!/path1/path2/path3. Both path1 and path2 is a ISubContainer implementation, path3 can be either ISubView or ISubContainer. The method getRelativePath() of these objects determine their relative path path1, path2, path3. path1 is a root element which contains other elements. For example, path1 - it could be Panel element with nested TabSheet, path2 - Tab, path3 - VerticalLayout.

An example of the implementation of the element at path3:

public class SubView3 extends VerticalLayout implements ISubView {

	public String getRelativePath() {
		return "path3";

	public void clean() {

	public void build() {
		addComponent(new Label("Hello, world!"));


This is example of implementation of the element at path2:

public class SimpleSubContainer2 extends VerticalLayout implements ISubContainer {

	public String getRelativePath() {
		return "path2";

	public void clean() {

	public void build() {
		((MyUI) getUI()).getSubNavigator().addView(this, new SubView3());

	public ISubView getSelectedView() {
		return (ISubView) getComponent(0);

	public void setSelectedView(ISubView view) {

	public void deselectView(ISubView view) {


Views registering. To define the object tree in the application it can be used addView(ISubContainer container, ISubView view) method from ISubNavigator interface:

// registering views
ISubNavigator subNavigator = new SubNavigator(ui, path1View); // path1View - root view
subNavigator.addView(path1View, path2View); // path2View contained in path1View
subNavigator.addView(path2View, path3View);
subNavigator.addView(path1View, path4View);
subNavigator.addView(path4View, path5View);

Situation 1 - a user for the first time passed the link to the application. For each object from the root to the last (path1, path2, path3) SubNavigator will invoke methods build() (for ISubView) and setSelectedView(ISubView view) (for ISubContainer), starting from the root:

// navigating to #!/path1/path2/path3

Situation 2 - user from the address #!/path1/path2/path3 navigates to #!/path1/path4/path5. For objects with relative path path3 and path2 SubNavigator call methods clean() and deselectView(ISubView view), then for objects with path path4 and path5 call methods build() and setSelectedView(ISubView view ) :

// navigating from #!/path1/path2/path3 to #!/path1/path4/path5

Dynamic containers

In addition to the static method of view registration (ISubNavigator.addView), you can use ISubDynamicContainer:

public interface ISubDynamicContainer extends ISubContainer {
	ISubView createView(String viewPathAndParameters);

This container can create a nested ISubView without special registration. In the previous example, if path3 is ISubDynamicContainer in the path #!/path1/path2/path3, navigating to #!/path1/path2/path3/123 will cause of calling method createView("123") in path3 object. Dynamic containers can contain other dynamic containers.

Example of dynamic container which can create windows:

public class DynamicContainer1 extends VerticalLayout implements ISubDynamicContainer, ISubTitled, CloseListener {

	protected ISubNavigator subNavigator;
	SimpleView selectedView;
	DynamicContainer1 thisView = this;

	Label info;
	TextField id;
	Button button;

	public ISubView createView(String viewPathAndParameters) {
		if (!viewPathAndParameters.matches("\\d+"))
			return null;
		SimpleView view = new SimpleView(viewPathAndParameters);
		return view;

	public ISubView getSelectedView() {
		return selectedView;

	public void setSelectedView(ISubView view) {
		selectedView = (SimpleView) view;
		Window window = new Window();
		window.setWidth(300, Unit.PIXELS);
		window.setHeight(500, Unit.PIXELS);
		window.setCaption("Dynamically created window");

	public void deselectView(ISubView view) {
		Window window = (Window) selectedView.getParent();
		selectedView = null;

	public void windowClose(CloseEvent e) {
		selectedView = null;

	public void clean() {

	public String getRelativePath() {
		return "dynamic-container";

	public void build() {
		subNavigator = ((SubNavigatorUI) getUI()).getSubNavigator();


		info = new Label("This is dynamic container");

		id = new TextField("Enter object id");

		button = new Button("Click to open object");
		button.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {

			public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
				String sId = id.getValue().replaceAll("\\s+", "");
				subNavigator.navigateTo(thisView, sId);

	public String getRelativeTitle() {
		return "Dynamic Container";


Exceptions handling

To catch errors you can implement ISubErrorContainer:

public interface ISubErrorContainer extends ISubContainer {
	ISubView createErrorView(String viewPath, String errorPath);
	ISubView createErrorView(String viewPath, Throwable t);

Method createErrorView(String viewPath, String errorPath) will be called if the SubNavigator could not find any data at the entered by user address. For example if the user enter a non-existent path #!/path1/path9/path12 and path1 implements ISubErrorContainer, SubNavigator call createErrorView("error", "path1/path9/path12") method on path1 object. "error" is a relative path to display the created object ISubView, ie it will be located at the #!/path1/error.

Showing view with error info:

	public ISubView createErrorView(String viewPath, String errorPath) {
		return new ErrorView(viewPath, errorPath);

	public ISubView createErrorView(String viewPath, Throwable t) {
		return new ErrorView(viewPath, t);

Page title

To display hierarchical page title (eg "Page1 - Inner Page2 - Inner Page3") you can implement interface ISubTitled:

public interface ISubTitled {
	String getRelativeTitle();

To enable this feature, use the ISubNavigator.setEnabledSubTitles (true) method.