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Convert posts from an existing WPML multilingual site via WXR Export/Import for MultilingualPress


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WPML to MultilingualPress

Convert posts from an existing WPML multilingual site via WXR Export/Import for MultilingualPress

Please note

This plugin is considered a tool for developers and advanced users. It is not a feature plugin for daily use. You can use the plugin, but make a full backup of your entire system and make sure you can role back easily! Please give us feedback if you see problems. The best way for feedback is an issue on the repository on

At the moment there's a known issue with the scalability which is addressed in the ongoing refactoring. If you're in doubt whether to use the plugin or not, please ask before.

Please note: This is not WPML! We are not the developer of WPML itself and thus we can't provide any kind of support for WPML.

What and why?

If a WordPress site is translated with the WPML Plugin, each translated entry is stored as a separate posts and some custom tables are used to connect the translations. Now if you de-activate the WPML Plugin or have issues with functionality related to version updates, you get a WordPress site with multilingual confusion. This plugin migrates all data from WPML and creates a new WordPress network site out of each single language with use of MultilingualPress plugin and also with the possibilty of a Premium Support.

This migration plugin:

  • Converts the WPML translation records to default core posts or post types
  • It creates the relationship about the languages inside the network of the Multisite with the MultilingualPress plugin
  • Helps to export/import your data to your new WPMS site.
  • Use WXR (WordPress eXtended Rss) format as Export file
  • Restores the meta data back to posts and their meta data so that MultilingualPress will recognize all your translations.

MultilingualPress connects multiple sites as language alternatives in a multisite. Use a customizable widget or Nav Menu to link to all sites.

We cannot guarantee free ad hoc support. Please be patient, we are a small team.



  • WordPress Multisite 4.4+
  • PHP 5.4*, newer PHP versions will work faster.
  • MultilingualPress plugin

Use the installer via back-end of your install or ...

  1. Unpack the download-package.
  2. Upload the files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Single Site: Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress and click Activate
  4. Multisite: Activate the plugin through the Network/Plugins menu in WordPress and click Network Activate.
  5. Go to Settings on Multisite or Tools on single site, WPML2MLP, then start the export of the current WPML stuff.

How to use

See the screencast at vimeo and read the Wiki.

Action & Filter Reference


  • w2m_import_term_error in W2M\Import\Service\Importer\WpTermImporter::import_term()

  • w2m_import_missing_term_ancestor in W2M\Import\Service\Importer\WpTermImporter::import_term()

  • w2m_term_imported in W2M\Import\Service\Importer\WpTermImporter::import_term()

  • w2m_import_post_error in W2M\Import\Service\Importer\WpPostImporter::import_post()

  • w2m_import_missing_post_ancestor in W2M\Import\Service\Importer\WpPostImporter::import_post()

  • w2m_import_missing_post_local_user_id in W2M\Import\Service\Importer\WpPostImporter::import_post()

  • w2m_import_set_post_terms_error in W2M\Import\Service\Importer\WpPostImporter::import_post()

  • w2m_import_update_post_meta_error in W2M\Import\Service\Importer\WpPostImporter::import_post()

  • w2m_post_imported in W2M\Import\Service\Importer\WpPostImporter::import_post()

  • w2m_import_attachment_missing_origin_attachment_url in W2M\Import\Service\Importer\WpPostImporter::import_post()

  • w2m_import_attachment_mkdir_error in W2M\Import\Service\Importer\WpPostImporter::import_post()

  • w2m_import_request_attachment_error in W2M\Import\Service\Importer\WpPostImporter::import_post()

  • w2m_attachment_importedin W2M\Import\Service\Importer\WpPostImporter::import_post()

  • w2m_import_user_error in W2M\Import\Service\Importer\WpUserImporter::import_user()

  • w2m_user_imported in W2M\Import\Service\Importer\WpUserImporter::import_user()

  • w2m_import_comment_error in W2M\Import\Service\Importer\WpCommentImporter::import_comment()

  • w2m_import_missing_comment_ancestor in W2M\Import\Service\Importer\WpCommentImporter::import_comment()

  • w2m_import_update_comment_meta_error in W2M\Import\Service\Importer\WpCommentImporter::import_comment()

  • w2m_comment_imported in W2M\Import\Service\Importer\WpCommentImporter::import_comment()

  • w2m_import_parse_term_error in W2M\Import\Service\Parser\WpTermParser::propagate_error()

  • w2m_import_parse_post_error in W2M\Import\Service\Parser\WpPostParser::propagate_error()

  • w2m_import_parse_user_error in W2M\Import\Service\Parser\WpUserParser::propagate_error()

  • w2m_import_parse_comment_error in W2M\Import\Service\Parser\WpCommentParser::propagate_error()

  • (Deprecated) w2m_import_set_user_id in W2M\Import\Type\WpImportUser::id()

  • (Deprecated) w2m_import_set_post_id in W2M\Import\Type\WpImportPost::id()

  • (Deprecated) w2m_import_set_term_id in W2M\Import\Type\WpImportTerm::id()

  • (Deprecated) w2m_import_set_comment_id in W2M\Import\Type\WpImportComment::id()

  • w2m_import_posts_start in W2M\Import\Service\PostProcessor::process_elements()

  • w2m_import_posts_done in W2M\Import\Service\PostProcessor::process_elements()

  • w2m_import_users_start in W2M\Import\Service\UserProcessor::process_elements()

  • w2m_import_users_done in W2M\Import\Service\UserProcessor::process_elements()

  • w2m_import_terms_start in W2M\Import\Service\TermProcessor::process_elements()

  • w2m_import_terms_done in W2M\Import\Service\TermProcessor::process_elements()

  • w2m_import_comments_start in W2M\Import\Service\CommentProcessor::process_elements()

  • w2m_import_comments_done in W2M\Import\Service\CommentProcessor::process_elements()

  • w2m_import_xml_parser_error in W2M\Import\Iterator\SimpleXmlItemWrapper::propagate_error()

  • w2m_import_process_done in W2M\Import\Module\ElementImporter::process_elements()

  • w2m_import_post_ancestor_resolver_error in W2M\Import\Service\PostAncestorResolver::propagate_error()

  • w2m_import_post_ancestor_resolved in W2M\Import\Service\PostAncestorResolver::resolve_relation()

  • w2m_import_term_ancestor_resolver_error in W2M\Import\Service\TermAncestorResolver::propagate_error()

  • w2m_import_term_ancestor_resolved in W2M\Import\Service\TermAncestorResolver::resolve_relation()

  • w2m_import_post_ancestor_resolving_start in W2M\Import\Module\ResolvingPendingRelations::resolving_posts()

  • w2m_import_term_ancestor_resolving_start in W2M\Import\Module\ResolvingPendingRelations::resolving_terms()

Other Notes

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 |___|_| |_| .__/|___/\__, |\__,_|\___|
           |_|        |___/            

The team at Inpsyde is engineering the Web since 2006.

Bugs, technical hints or contribute

Please give me feedback, contribute and file technical bugs on this GitHub Repo, use Issues.


Good news, this plugin is free for everyone! Since it's released under the GPL, you can use it free of charge on your personal or commercial blog.

Contact & Feedback

Please let us know if you like the plugin or you hate it or whatever ... Please fork it, add an issue for ideas and bugs.