This guide is for system adminitrators (sysadmins). Make sure to follow it and you might no screw up everything. Most of the points are after real events i've gone trough. They were stressfull. I'm writing this in good faith and in belief it'll help me and you.
- When your boss tells you that production is down go here
- Allways try installing software with a software manager, snap, apt, pacman, yay,... really doesen't matter. In fact try ALL of them first
- don't develop on production server
- don't eddit sudoers file if you don't know exactly what are you doing
- don't edit .ssh permissions, definetly don't set them to 777
- do not, under ANY circumstances, install zsh on production servers
- NEVER EVER install windows on a server
- don't be on time for anything
- don't cancel update after it starts
- don't break usb port on ESP-32 (not realy sysadmin but it happened to me
- don't do
sudo apt upgrade
on new server if you want to use it soon - don't use python for discord bots.
- don't use CLI if you can use GUI
- don't do new stuff after 2200
If you encounter any major mistake that you thik should be on this list, please open an issue or create pull request. Thank you.