Ensure the following commands are followed before starting the application (for backend and frontend)
for back end: create the database first have to insert restaurant first before manager cause 1-many
node menu.data.js; node pickup.data.js; node restaurant.data.js; node manager.data.js ; node order.data.js
npm install
npm start
- Customer database
- Restaurant Database
- Menu management
- Ordering system
- Pickup Scheduling
- Order management
- Statuses: ordered, in-progress, awaiting-pickup, completed
- Bonus: special offers, loyalty program payment
- Client interface
- Menu browsing
- Order placement
- Order history and Tracking
- Search and filter
- Restaurant Manager interface
- Menu management
- Order processing
- Analytics dashboard
- Custom feature
- Milestone 1: March 7-8
- Database implemented
- Backend communication with database
- Demo during lab
- Milestone 2: March 21-22
- React frontend should be able to interact with backend
- Demo frontend interacting with backend
- Milestone 3: April 4-5
- Demo final project