Android application for browsing Rick & Morty's TV show characters
- Retrofit - HTTP client for Android and Java used for connecting to REST web services by transforming JSON into Java.
- GSON - part of Retrofit library, used for translating JSON data
- RecyclerView - Enhanced version of ListView library.
- ViewModel - library for preparing and sharing UI data throughout the activities and fragments.
- Glide - image loading library used for fetching and displaying images with simple implementation.
- Paging - library for part-loading and displaying small amount of data at a time with less bandwidth.
This app is developed as part of the job interview assignment. It uses Rick & Morty's API: for fetching all character informations and displaying it as a scrollable card list. The application is compiled with latest Android version and supported from KitKat (API 19).
- getApi() - method for invoking GET API call with the endpoint.
- getInstance() - method for creating single RetrofitClient object.
- showInfoDialog() - method for showing an alert dialog with character details.
- setInfoText() - method for setting TextView texts from API call results.
- checkType() - method which check if type of character exist.
- getCharacterLiveDataSource() - method for retrieving live data source.
- accept() - method for returning boolean info whether the device is connected to internet by pinging Google's public DNS.
- initList() - method that initialize RecyclerView and fill it with data from the API. for creating Java model classes based on JSON schema