OVERVIEW: This project aims to analyze customer churn in the telecom industry, identify key factors contributing to churn, and develop a machine learning model to predict future churn. Additionally, a Power BI dashboard provides visual insights into the data.The workflow demonstrates an end-to-end data analysis pipeline, starting from data extraction and transformation to visualization and machine learning.
- SQL: Querying and data exploration.
- MS Excel : Additional data manipulation and summarization
- Python: Data cleaning, analysis, and machine learning
- Google Colab: Building and training the machine learning model
- Power BI: Interactive data visualization.
PROJECT WORKFLOW- This project involves multiple stages, from data cleaning to machine learning and visualization. Below is the complete workflow:
- Data Cleaning and ETL (SQL Server)
- The original dataset was cleaned and processed using SQL Server.
- Performed the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process to prepare the data for analysis.
- Data cleaning included handling null values, removing duplicates, and ensuring consistency.
- Data Manipulation and Views (Excel)
- After processing in SQL, two views were created in Excel for further analysis.
- These views summarized key insights and prepared the data for machine learning.
- Machine Learning Model (Google Colab)
- Built a Random Forest Classifier using Python in Google Colab to predict future churners.
- Key steps: * Performed data encoding to prepare categorical variables for the model. * Evaluated the model using metrics like confusion matrix and classification report. * The model predicted churn probabilities and saved the predictions to a CSV file for further use.
- Data Visualization (Power BI)
Created two dashboards using Power BI:
Dashboard 1: Insights and trends based on the original dataset.
Dashboard 2: Visualization of the churn prediction results from the ML model.
- Enhanced visuals with filters, slicers, and drill-down options to make the insights actionable.
- Import the raw dataset into SQL Server.
- Run the ETL and data cleaning scripts provided in
- Open the python script in Jupyter Notebook or open the Colab file directly.
- Install required libraries.
- Run the notebook to train the model and generate predictions
- Open the file in Power BI desktop.
- Ensure SQL Server is connected to Power BI for live data refresh. *Review interactive dashboards for insights.
- Overall Churn Rate is 27%.
- Female customers contribute 35.85% of the churn rate whereas male customers contribute 64.15% of the churn rate.
- Customers aged 50+ have the highest churn rate at 31% whereas younger customers (under 20) have the lowest churn rate at 23%.
- Top states with the highest churn rates include: Jammu & Kashmir: 57% Assam: 38% Jharkhand: 35%
- Month-to-Month contracts lead to the highest churn (47%) and two-Year contracts have the lowest churn rate (3%).
- Predicted Churn Overview: Total Predicted Churners: 378 Predicted Female Churners: 246 Predicted Male Churners: 132
- Customers with Month-to-Month contracts dominate the predicted churners (355 churners).
- Credit Card payment users have the highest predicted churn (192), followed by "Bank Withdrawal" (150).
- Customers with less than 6 months of tenure exhibit the highest predicted churn (65 churners) whereas tenure of more than 24 months shows 106 predicted churners.
- Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Tamil Nadu have the highest number of predicted churners (44, 40, and 37, respectively).