Arduino/ESP32 code for creating an AP and selecting a WiFi to connect to. At start tries to connect to saved WiFi, if it fails it switches over to an Access Point and serves a wifi-selection page.
Feel free to use and modify as you wish. pull-requests appreciated!
Serves two HTML pages
- one main page when connected that can run actions on the ESP (without reloads)
- one access point page that gives you the possibility to logon to another network
- Simple way to create somewhat dynamic HTML-pages
- Easy way to design HTML-pages and serve from your Arduino without a WebServer-library
- How to use the ESP32 as a very simple backend
- How to setup AP and WiFi and mDNS on ESP32
- How to read/write to EEPROM on ESP32/Arduino
- How to parse a simple FORM GET request
Included are two demo HTML-pages, main.html and accesspoint.html.
You need to join all lines in those to one (ctrl-A and then ctrl-J in VSCode), also replace all " with \".
OR use the script that does that for you.
Copy/paste the oneliner into one of the variables in the main program.