Google_DFP_mirror allows you to mirror your Google DFP objects, PQL objects, and run Google DFP Reports... and store them in a mysql like db creating tables for each object within your DFP such as AdUnit, Order, LineItem, and Creative.
- check out repository
- configure your DFP API keys
- run composer install
- PHP 5.4
- composer
- mysql / mariaDB 5.4
- Activity
- ActivityGroup
- ActivityGroup_Company
- AdExclusionRule
- AdRule
- AdUnit
- AudienceSegment
- Audience_Segment
- Audience_Segment_Category
- Bandwidth_Group
- BaseRate
- Browser
- Browser_Language
- Company
- Contact
- Content
- ContentBundle
- ContentMetadataKeyHierarchy
- Creative
- CreativeSet
- CreativeTemplate
- CreativeWrapper
- CustomField
- CustomTargetingKey
- CustomTargetingValue
- ExchangeRate
- Exchange_Rate
- Geo_Target
- Label
- LineItem
- LineItemCreativeAssociation
- LineItemCreativeAssociation_stats
- LineItemTemplate
- LineItem_frequencyCaps
- LineItem_primaryGoal
- LineItem_stats
- Network
- Order
- Package
- Placement
- PremiumRate
- ProductPackageItem
- Programmatic_Buyer
- Role
- SharedAdUnit
- SuggestedAdUnit
- Team
- Third_Party_Company
- User
- UserTeamAssociation
- Video
- VideoAdRule