E-Barter is a blah blah blah insert explanation
- Insert some features here
- Insert some more features here.
- Features 1
- Features 2
- Features 3
- Features 4
- Features 5
Make sure the following software is installed and set up
- Clone the project
gh repo clone poodzia/ebarter-v3
- Copy .env file
cp .env.example .env
- Make a database in postgresql with the following configuration
- Install dependencies
npm install && composer install
- Migrate database tables and run the seeder class
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
- Make a symlink to local storage
php artisan storage:link
- Compile the project and watch for changes
npm run hot
- Run the server and follow the the link this command will output
php artisan serve
- Get new changes in the repository by running
git pull origin master