Contact details:
- PGP Public Key
- Key ID:
- Fingerprint:
E15A 44DA 2A21 F950 6D49 7D59 11DE A851 3F4F 317E
- Key ID:
- Linkedin Profile
- Profiles for DF1JSL and AE0YP
Contact details:
E15A 44DA 2A21 F950 6D49 7D59 11DE A851 3F4F 317E
Downloads the latest ham radio call sign (pdf) file from the Bundesnetzagentur web site and transposes its content to a CSV format
Enpass-to-Keepass converter. Digests an Enpass JSON export file and writes all entries (including attachments) to an existing Keepass file.
Port of skunklabz' tk4-hercules docker file to MVS 3.8j with Turnkey Version 5.2, now running on Alpine Linux
Dockerfile 5
A collection of Robot Framework keywords for the Python aprslib library, allowing you to connect to APRS-IS and send/receive/decode APRS data.