A Neovim plugin that integrates semgrep with the built-in diagnostic system using null-ls.
- Neovim 0.8 or higher
- null-ls.nvim
- semgrep installed and available in PATH
Using lazy.nvim:
dependencies = { "jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim" },
opts = {
-- your configuration
Here's an example configuration with all available options and their defaults:
-- Enable/disable the plugin
enabled = true,
-- Semgrep configuration to use
-- Can be:
-- - "auto" (default, use .semgrep.yml in project root)
-- - "p/ci" (use semgrep's CI rules)
-- - "p/security-audit" (use security audit rules)
-- - or any other valid semgrep rule set
-- - or a table of multiple configurations:
-- {"p/python", "~/path/to/custom/rules.yaml"}
semgrep_config = "auto",
-- Map semgrep severities to nvim diagnostic severities
severity_map = {
ERROR = vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR,
WARNING = vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN,
INFO = vim.diagnostic.severity.INFO,
HINT = vim.diagnostic.severity.HINT,
-- Default severity if not specified in the semgrep rule
default_severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN,
-- Additional arguments to pass to semgrep
extra_args = {},
-- Filetypes to run semgrep on (empty means all filetypes)
filetypes = {},
Once configured, the plugin will automatically run semgrep on your files and display the results as diagnostics in Neovim. The diagnostics will update whenever you:
- Open a file
- Save a file
- Load a new buffer
You can use any of Neovim's built-in diagnostic features to navigate and view the semgrep results:
:lua vim.diagnostic.open_float()
- Show diagnostic in a floating window:lua vim.diagnostic.goto_next()
- Go to next diagnostic:lua vim.diagnostic.goto_prev()
- Go to previous diagnostic:lua vim.diagnostic.setqflist()
- Put diagnostics in quickfix list
The plugin provides detailed information about semgrep rules in diagnostics:
- Rule ID is appended to each diagnostic message
- Rule ID
- Rule source
- Category
- Technology
- Confidence level
- References (if available)
The plugin provides several utility functions that you can map to keys:
-- Toggle the plugin on/off
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>st', require('semgrep').toggle, { desc = 'Toggle Semgrep' })
-- Display current configuration
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>sc', require('semgrep').print_config, { desc = 'Show Semgrep config' })
-- View rule details (alternative to K)
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>sd', require('semgrep').show_rule_details, { desc = 'Show Semgrep rule details' })
-- Use security audit rules
semgrep_config = "p/security-audit"
-- Use multiple rule sets
semgrep_config = {
extra_args = {"--max-target-bytes", "1000000"}
-- Only run on specific filetypes
filetypes = {"python", "javascript", "typescript"}