You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 1
This is my personal repository to manage and distribute my dotfiles with just git. Feel free to fork and adjust it to your needs.
The listed packages below are used. Please install them with the package manager of your choice beforehand.
- git
- ghostty
- neovim
- zsh
- tmux
- colordiff
- bat
- fd
- eza
- thefuck
- zoxide
- ripgrep
- grc
- btop
- hack
- noto sans
- font awesome
- powerline fonts
- nerd fonts (meslo)
- hyprland
- hyprlock
- hyprpaper
- hyprshade
- hyprshot
- hypridle
- rofi wayland
- cliphist
- slurp
- swaync
- waybar
- wlogout
- xwaylandvideobridge
- xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland
- pavucontrol
- playerctl
- NetworkManager
- inotify tools
- qt5ct
- qt6ct
- bibata (cursor theme)
- catppuccin-gtk
- papirus icon theme
- Optional: login manager {sddm,gdm,lightdm} (or setup a xinitrc)
Fork this repository to customize it to your needs. The setup dotfile management is set up like described in this guide. Additionally to the the article the dotbare zsh plugin is installed to enhance the management of the bare repository. Here is a condensed version for you:
- Alias in .zshrc (you will need to set the alias for current session or restart your terminal):
alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg --work-tree=$HOME'
- Prevent recursion problems
$ mkdir -p ~/.config/git
$ echo "~/.cfg" >> .config/git/ignore
- Clone your dotfiles repository. If you have conflicting files while
config checkout
, then backup/move them away.
$ git clone --bare <git-repo-url> $HOME/.cfg
$ config checkout
- Don't show untracked files
$ config config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
- Switch alias in .zshrc to dotbare (you will need to set the alias for current session or restart your terminal):
$ alias config='dotbare'
You can use config
commands to add and update your dotfiles.
$ config status
$ config add .vimrc
$ config commit -m "Add vimrc"
$ config add .bashrc
$ config commit -m "Add bashrc"
$ config push
provides a series of scripts starts with a prefix f (e.g. dotbare fadd
, dotbare flog
etc) that will enable a interactive experience by processing all the git
information and display it through fzf
. In addition, dotbare
also comes with command line completion that you could choose to either to complete git
commands or dotbare