This R package contains code supporting the analysis of facial shape and motion by Julian Faraway
You can install it (provided you have loaded the devtools
package) with:
The functions available are:
arraymean Array mean
asymmetry Asymmetry scores
averecface Average faces and rotate so head is upright
bridgefix Location shift onto template
cleansm Process a facial motion to fill-in missing values and report
constructfaceseq Array of faces constructed from geodesic and profile information
constructscorefaceseq Array of faces constructed from geodesic and score informationTitle
extmfconfig Extract information about the motion capture file
faceGPA Generalized Procrustes Analysis
faceOPA Ordinary Procrustes Analysis
faceframe Construct a single frame suitable for movie construction
faceimpute Impute missing values in a face matrix
facemovie Make a facial motion movie
facenorm Compute size of face
first_PCA_traj extract the first PCA, select start and max, return initial and max
misfixlin Fill in missing values in a vector using linear interpolation
multifaceplot Plot an array of shapes with a different color for each marker
parproc Partial Procrustes rotation
plotface Plot a face or a pair of faces
read_face_file Read in a face file
readlmk Read in an LMK file
reflectface Reflect face
rotface Rotate a face matrix in SD
The package is under development and lacks full documentation or testing. If you are interested in using it, please contact me.