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Welcome to CleanCrypto App.

It's an app built using the MVVM, Repository Pattern and Clean Architecture. It uses the coinranking Api to display coins and Exchanges.


App is developed with Clean Architecture to maintain sepration of concern.

Domain Layer

This layer contains pure business logic independent of platform and independent of other layers. This layer contains:

  1. Business Models
  2. Repositories
  3. Use Cases

Data Layer

This layer contains repository implementation provided by Domain layer.

Presentation Layer

This layer contains android specific code. it handles user interactions and actions.


This applications is covered with unit and integration test.


  1. Material Design - UI design
  2. AndroidX - ViewModel, LiveData
  3. Coroutines
  4. Hilt - Dependency Injection
  5. Navigation Component - User navigation
  6. Glide - Loading Images
  7. Room - Database Storage
  8. Retrofit - API Calls
  9. Junit, mockito, MockWebServer, hilt Testing, Truth


UI Test and UI improvement


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