This BOT is still in development so it still lacks many important features. I will add more later so please sympathize for me.
"Uyn" is a BOT that does many miscellaneous things like fun things, moderation things, and so on.
You can use the u!help (command)
command to get information about a specific command!
account, avatar, developer, owner
arrest, cert, coffindance, covid19, gay, img, les, lolicon, number, poll, quote, reverse, roll, say, trap, trash
baka, bite, boop, bully, cry, dance, greet, grin, highfive, hold, hug, hungry, kill, kiss, lewd, lick, love, muda, nom, pat, poke, pout, punch, shrug, slap, sleep, smile, smug, snuggle, stare, thinking, thumbsup, tickle, wag, wait, wave
ban, kick, mute, setnickname, unmute, warn
channels, guild, role
createrole, deleterole, giverole, setcolor, setname, takerole
deletequote, setquote, showquote, togglequote
This ping-responsing message will only be sent if the pinging message meets these requirements:
- The mentioned user has set the ping-responsing message by the setquote command
- There's only one user mention in the message
- The message content length is less than 125
- The message author isn't a BOT
- The message channel isn't a BOT channel (doesn't have the "bot" word in the channel name)
- The time that the message was sent isn't between 8 PM and 12 PM (UTC).
This responsing message will be deleted in 5 seconds. Also, it only send 1 ping-responsing message each 1 minute. If the 1-minute timer isn't up, it will react the ❌ emoji, and then unreact it in the next 2 seconds.
You can enable or disable sending the ping-responsing messages in your server by using the u!togglequote on/off
invite, ping, stats
This BOT is being ran using Heroku, Node.JS, PHP and MySQL. I made it without any cost so I am not sure about the BOT security very much.
- Discord.JS version 12.4.1
- ms version 2.1.2
- request version 2.88.2
- util version 0.12.3
- mysql version 2.18.1
- canvas version 2.6.1
- dotenv version 8.2.0
- erela.js version 1.1.8
- express version 4.16.2
- CPU: Dual-core or higher
- RAM: 512MB or higher
- Node.JS 12.0 or later
- A lavalink node must be installed to help running the music commands in the future.
You can contact the developer by using these social networks:
Discord: Nico Levianth#5133
Twitter (now inactive)