Whatsapp status has a limitation for video inputs (Only 30 Seconds of a video can be uploaded). This small powershell snippet inputs one video file and splits into multiple 30 seconds videos.
- Media Info CLI -> Can be downloaded from https://mediaarea.net/en/MediaInfo/Download/Windows [Add path to environment variables]
- ffmpeg -> Can be downloaded from https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/ [Add path to environment variables]
On your powershell, try
.\SplitVideoForWhatsappStatus.ps1 'InputVideoFile.mp4'
and, this also works
.\SplitVideoForWhatsappStatus.ps1 '.\InputVideoFile.mp4'
Here's how it works
Input File Name: InputVideoFile.mp4
Input File Duration: 51 Seconds
First Output File Name: InputVideoFile_1.mp4
First Output File Duration: 30 Seconds
Second Output File Name: InputVideoFile_2.mp4
Second Output File Duration: 21 Seconds